getCMstats: Generate statistical parameters from a contingency_matrix...

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getCMstatsR Documentation

Generate statistical parameters from a contingency_matrix output


From a list of contingency matrices, such as the output from “contingency_matrix”, this function computes a fisher's exact test for each matrix and generates a data frame that stores accession ID of a ChIP-Seq experiment, the TF tested in that experiment, the p-value and the odds ratio resulting from the test.


getCMstats(CM_list, chip_index = get_chip_index())



Output of “contingency_matrix”, a list of contingency matrices.


Output of the function “get_chip_index”, a data frame containing accession IDs of ChIPs on the database and the TF each one tests. If not provided, the whole internal database will be used


Data frame containing accession ID of a ChIP-Seq experiment and its experimental conditions, the TF tested in that experiment, raw and adjusted p-values, odds-ratio, and euclidean distance. and FDR-adjusted p-values (-10*log10 adj.pvalue).


data('Genes.Upreg',package = 'TFEA.ChIP')
CM_list_UP <- contingency_matrix( Genes.Upreg )
stats_mat_UP <- getCMstats( CM_list_UP )

LauraPS1/TFEA.ChIP documentation built on April 21, 2023, 7:29 a.m.