
##' Create wordcloud with the shape of a word
##' @description
##' Function for Creating wordcloud with the shape of a word
##' @usage
##' letterCloud(data, word, wordSize = 0, letterFont = NULL, ...)
##' @param data   A data frame including word and freq in each column
##' @param word  A word to create shape for wordcloud.
##' @param wordSize Parameter of the size of the word.
##' @param letterFont Letter font
##' @param ...  Other parameters for wordcloud.
##' @examples
##' library(wordcloud2)
##' letterCloud(demoFreq,"R")
#' @export

letterCloud = function(data, word, wordSize = 0,
                       letterFont = NULL,...){
  fileid = paste('ID', format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"),
                 round(proc.time()[3]*100), sep="_")
  figDir = paste0(tempdir(),"/",fileid,".png")

  # word = "COS"
    ofCex = -25
  }else if(nchar(word)==2){
    ofCex = -10
    ofCex = -1
  png(filename = figDir,width = 800,height = 600)
  offset = par(mar = par()$mar)
  op = par(mar = c(0,0,0,0))

  text(0.5, 0.5, word, font = 2, family = letterFont,
       cex = 1/strwidth(word) + ofCex + wordSize)


  wordcloud2(data,figPath = figDir,...)

Lchiffon/wordcloud2 documentation built on May 7, 2019, 12:47 p.m.