read.wav: Reads Wave Date From a File

Description Usage Arguments Details Value


This function reads wave data from a file. The data is read using the readWave function and then automatically simplified for further processing.


read.wav(filename, channels = c("both", "left", "right"), filter = list(low
  = 300, high = 8000, Rp = 0.001, Rs = 40, steepness = 1))



The filename to be read


The channel(s) that should be used. The wave file is automatically reduced to a mono wave file, either by selecting a single channel (values left or right) or by averaging accros both channels (both). If the file is alread a mono file, this argument is ignored.


List of filter parameters (set to NULL to deactivate filter). See "Details"


The wavefile is filtered upon loading using an elliptic bandpass filter. The filter parameters are passed as a list within the filter argument, which must contain the following elements. Set the filter argument to NULL to deactivate the bandpass filter.

Default values are based on the telephony voice band

So for the default parameters the first stopband goes from 0Hz to 150Hz (1octave below 300Hz) with an attenuation of 40dB. Then there is a transition band from 150Hz to 300Hz and a passband from 300Hz to 4kHz. The next transition band ranges from 4kHz to 8kHz and everything above 8kHz is again fully attenuated.


An object of type WaveData

LiKao/VoiceExperiment documentation built on May 7, 2019, 1:19 p.m.