# Write Excel Grid Vertical -----------------------------------------------
#' Write a List of Data Frame to a Vertically Stacked layout in xlsx file
#' Write a list of data frames to each worksheets (tabs) in which each data frames are vertically stacked.
#' A wrapper around `writeData_gridVertical()`.
#' @param ... One or more named list of data frames. Using syntax `tab_name = list_of_dfs`
#' @param file A file path to save the xlsx file
#' @param overwrite If 'TRUE' will save over 'file' if present
#' @param startCol (Numeric vector of length 1) specifying the starting column to write to.
#' @param startRow (Numeric vector of length 1) specifying the starting row of the first data frame to write to.
#' @param gapRow (Numeric vector of length 1) specifying number of empty rows (gaps) between each data frame
#' @param headerStyle Custom style to apply to column names. If `NULL`, generate style automatically.
#' Can input as `openxlsx::createStyle()` objects.
#' @param borders Either "none" (default), "surrounding", "columns", "rows" or respective abbreviations. If "surrounding", a border is drawn around the data. If "rows", a surrounding border is drawn with a border around each row. If "columns", a surrounding border is drawn with a border between each column. If "all" all cell borders are drawn.
#' @param freezePane_args list of arguments pass to `openxlsx::freezePane()` (can be recycled to each tabs)
#' @param writeData_args list of arguments pass to `openxlsx::writeData()`
#' @return Workbook object (invisible)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(FALSE){
#' # not run
#' write.xlsx_gV(
#' tab1 = list(iris[1:2, ], mtcars),
#' tab2 = list(Orange[1:3, ], mtcars),
#' file = "path/to/excel-output.xlsx"
#' )
#' }
write.xlsx_gV <- function(...,
overwrite = FALSE,
startCol = 1,
startRow = 1,
gapRow = 1,
headerStyle = NULL,
borders = "columns",
freezePane_args = list(),
writeData_args = list()
ls_ls_df <- rlang::list2(...)
sheet_names <- names(ls_ls_df)
fp_args <- rep_list_elements(freezePane_args, length.out = length(ls_ls_df))
wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()
# Iterate over Tabs (Worksheets)
for (i in seq_along(ls_ls_df)) {
# Take list of DF out
ls_df <- ls_ls_df[[i]]
# Freez pane args at each tabs
fp_args_tab <- lapply(fp_args, `[`, i)
# Header Style
if (is.null(headerStyle)) {
# Default HS
hs <- createHeaderStyles(n = length(ls_df))
hs <- headerStyle
# Add Tabs
openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, sheetName = sheet_names[[i]], gridLines = TRUE)
# Write Grid Data in each tabs
# Args
sheet = i, ls_df = ls_df,
startRow = startRow, startCol = startCol,
gapRow = gapRow,
headerStyle = hs,
borders = borders,
# Freez Panes
wb, sheet = i,
## Save Files
openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, file = file, overwrite = overwrite)
# Write Data - Grid Vertical ----------------------------------------------
#' Write List of Data Frames to a Vertically Stacked Grid
#' Write a list of Data Frames to worksheet with vertically stacked layout with optional styling.
#' A wrapper around `openxlsx::writeData()`
#' @param wb A Workbook object containing a worksheet.
#' @param sheet The worksheet to write to. Can be the worksheet index or name.
#' @param ls_df A list of data frame
#' @param startCol (Numeric vector of length 1) specifying the starting column to write to.
#' @param startRow (Numeric vector of length 1) specifying the starting row of the first data frame to write to.
#' @param gapRow (Numeric vector of length 1) specifying number of empty rows (gaps) between each data frame
#' @param headerStyle Custom style to apply to column names. If `NULL`, generate style automatically.
#' Can input as `openxlsx::createStyle()` objects.
#' @param borders Either "none" (default), "surrounding", "columns", "rows" or respective abbreviations. If "surrounding", a border is drawn around the data. If "rows", a surrounding border is drawn with a border around each row. If "columns", a surrounding border is drawn with a border between each column. If "all" all cell borders are drawn.
#' @param ... passed to `openxlsx::writeData()`
#' @return the same as `openxlsx::writeData()`
#' @export
#' @examples NULL
writeData_gridVertical <- function(wb, sheet, ls_df,
startCol = 1,
startRow = 1,
gapRow = 1,
headerStyle = NULL,
borders = "columns",
) {
# Vector of Start Rows
start_rows <- get_startRow_stack(ls_df, startRow = startRow, gapRow = gapRow)
## Rep Args
args_ls_long <- rep_args_len(..., length.out = length(ls_df))
borders <- rep(borders, length.out = length(ls_df))
for (i in seq_along(ls_df)) {
# Header Styles
## Check if it is list of Style objects
is_ls_hs <- is.list(headerStyle) && purrr::every(headerStyle, ~ inherits(.x, "Style"))
hs <- createHeaderStyles(n = length(ls_df))[[i]]
} else if (is_ls_hs) {
# If supply list of header style; supply them correspondingly
if (length(headerStyle) != length(ls_df)) stop("Length of list of headerStyle must equals to data frames.")
hs <- headerStyle[[i]]
} else if (inherits(headerStyle, "Style")) {
# If not, style the same
hs <- headerStyle
} else {
stop("`headerStyle` must be a 'Style' object.")
# Dots
args_ls <- lapply(args_ls_long, `[`, i)
# Execute Write !!
# Args
sheet = sheet, x = ls_df[[i]],
startRow = start_rows[[i]], startCol = startCol, headerStyle = hs,
borders = borders[[i]],
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