Man pages for LihuaJulieZhu/GUIDEseq
GUIDE-seq and PEtag-seq analysis pipeline

annotateOffTargetsAnnotate offtargets with gene name
buildFeatureVectorForScoringBulgeBuild Feature Vector For Scoring Offtargets with Bulge
combineOfftargetsCombine Offtargets
compareSamplesCompare Samples using Fisher's exact test
createBarcodeFastaCreate barcode as fasta file format for building bowtie1...
getBestAlnInfoParse pairwise alignment
getPeaksObtain peaks from GUIDE-seq
getUniqueCleavageEventsUsing UMI sequence to obtain the starting sequence library
getUsedBarcodesCreate barcodes from the p5 and p7 index used for each...
GUIDEseqAnalysisAnalysis pipeline for GUIDE-seq dataset
GUIDEseq-packageAnalysis of GUIDE-seq
mergePlusMinusPeaksMerge peaks from plus strand and minus strand
offTargetAnalysisOfPeakRegionsOfftarget Analysis of GUIDE-seq peaks
offTargetAnalysisWithBulgeoffTarget Analysis With Bulges Allowed Finding offtargets...
peaks.grexample cleavage sites
PEtagAnalysisAnalysis pipeline for PEtag-seq dataset
plotAlignedOfftargetsPlot offtargets aligned to the target sequence
plotHeatmapOfftargetsPlot offtargets from multiple samples as heatmap
plotTracksPlot offtargets as manhantann plots or along all chromosomes...
uniqueCleavageEventsexample unique cleavage sites
LihuaJulieZhu/GUIDEseq documentation built on March 27, 2024, 9:42 p.m.