plotHeatmapOfftargets: Plot offtargets from multiple samples as heatmap

View source: R/plotHeatmapOfftargets.R

plotHeatmapOfftargetsR Documentation

Plot offtargets from multiple samples as heatmap


Plot offtargets from multiple samples as heatmap


  min.detection.rate = 0.1,
  font.size = 12, = 1,
  IR.normalization = c("sequence.depth", "", "sum.score", "none"),
  top.bottom.height.ratio = 3,
  dot.distance.breaks = c(5, 10, 20, 40, 60),
  dot.distance.scaling.factor = c(0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, 2),
  bottom.start.offset = 8,
  color.low = "white",
  color.high = "blue",
  insertion.score.column = c("n.distinct.UMIs", "peak_score")



a data frame from running the combineOfftargets function


minimum relative detection rate to be included in the heatmap


font size for x labels and numbers along the y-axis.

Default to 1 for the CFDscore scoring method. Set it to 100 for the Hsu-Zhang scoring method.


Default to sequence.depth which uses the sequencing depth for each sample in the input file to calculate the relative insertion rate (RIR). Other options are "" and "sum.score" which use the on-target score for each sample and the sum of all on-target and off-target scores to calculate the RIR respectively. The score can be either peak.score or n.distinct.UMIs as specified by the parameter insertion.score.column


the ratio of the height of top panel vs that of the bottom panel.


a numeric vector for specifying the minimum number of rows in each panel to use the the corresponding distance in dot.distance.scaling.factor between consecutive dots along the y-axis. In the default setting, dot.distance.breaks and dot.distance.scaling.factor are set to c(5, 10, 20, 40, 60) and c(0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, 2) respectively, which means that if the number of rows in each panel is greater than or equal to 60, 40-59, 20-39, 10-19, 5-9, and less than 5,then the distance between consecutive dots will be plotted 2, 1.2, 0.8, 0,6, 0.4, and 0.2 (half of 0.4) units away in y-axis respectively.


a numeric vector for specifing the distance between two consecutive dots. See dot.distance.breaks for more information.


Default to 2, means that place the top number in the bottom panel 2 units below the top border. Increase the value will move the number away from the top border.


The color used to represent the lowest indel rate, default to white


The color used to represent the highest indel rate the intermediate indel rates will be colored using the color between color.low and color.high. Default to blue.


Optional sample Names used to label the x-axis. If not provided, x-axis will be labeled using the sample names provided in the GUIDEseqAnalysis step.


"n.distinct.UMI" or "peak_score" to be included on the right side of the alignment as Insertion Events. Relative Insertion Rate (RIR) divided by ontarget peak_score/n.distinct.UMI. For example, RIR for ontarget should be 100


a ggplot object


Lihua Julie Zhu


if (interactive())
  mergedOfftargets <- 
       package = "GUIDEseq"),
                   sep ="\t", header = TRUE)
 figs <- plotHeatmapOfftargets(mergedOfftargets,
                   min.detection.rate = 2.5,
                   IR.normalization = "",
                   top.bottom.height.ratio = 12,
                   bottom.start.offset = 6,
                   dot.distance.scaling.factor = c(0.2,0.2,0.4,0.4, 0.4),
                   sample.names = c("Group1", "Group2"))
                   figs[[1]]/figs[[2]] +
 plot_layout(heights = unit(c(2,1),
                             c('null', 'null')))
figs = plotHeatmapOfftargets(mergedOfftargets,
                 min.detection.rate = 1.2,
                 IR.normalization = "sum.score",
                 top.bottom.height.ratio = 12,
                 bottom.start.offset = 6,
                 dot.distance.scaling.factor = c(0.2,0.2,0.4,0.4, 0.4),
                 sample.names = c("Group1", "Group2"))
                 figs[[1]]/figs[[2]] +
                 plot_layout(heights = unit(c(2,1),
                  c('null', 'null')))
 figs <- plotHeatmapOfftargets(mergedOfftargets,
    min.detection.rate = 0.2,
    IR.normalization = "sequence.depth",
    top.bottom.height.ratio = 12,
    bottom.start.offset = 6,
    dot.distance.scaling.factor = c(0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2, 0.2),
    sample.names = c("Group1", "Group2"))
figs[[1]]/figs[[2]] +
    plot_layout(heights = unit(c(2,1),
    c('null', 'null')))
figs = plotHeatmapOfftargets(mergedOfftargets,
    min.detection.rate = 3,
    IR.normalization = "none",
    top.bottom.height.ratio = 12,
    bottom.start.offset = 6,
    dot.distance.scaling.factor = c(0.2,0.2,0.7,0.7, 0.7),
    sample.names = c("Group1", "Group2"))
plot_layout(heights = unit(c(2,1),
                c('null', 'null')))

LihuaJulieZhu/GUIDEseq documentation built on March 27, 2024, 9:42 p.m.