
Defines functions prep_fields drive_fields

Documented in drive_fields prep_fields

#' Request partial resources
#' @description You may be able to improve the performance of your API calls by
#'   requesting only the metadata that you actually need. This function is
#'   primarily for internal use and is currently focused on the [Files
#'   resource](https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/reference/files). Note
#'   that high-level googledrive functions assume that the `name`, `id`, and
#'   `kind` fields are included, at a bare minimum. Assuming that `resource =
#'   "files"` (the default), input provided via `fields` is checked for validity
#'   against the known field names and the validated fields are returned. To see
#'   a tibble containing all possible fields and a short description of each,
#'   call `drive_fields(expose())`.
#' @description `prep_fields()` prepares fields for inclusion as query
#'   parameters.
#' @seealso [Improve
#'   performance](https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/performance), in
#'   the Drive API documentation.
#' @param fields Character vector of field names. If `resource = "files"`, they
#'   are checked for validity. Otherwise, they are passed through.
#' @param resource Character, naming the API resource of interest. Currently,
#'   only the Files resource is anticipated.
#' @return `drive_fields()`: Character vector of field names. `prep_fields()`: a
#'   string.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # get a tibble of all fields for the Files resource + indicator of defaults
#' drive_fields(expose())
#' # invalid fields are removed and throw warning
#' drive_fields(c("name", "parents", "ownedByMe", "pancakes!"))
#' # prepare fields for query
#' prep_fields(c("name", "parents", "kind"))
drive_fields <- function(fields = NULL,
                         resource = "files") {
  if (!identical(resource, "files")) {
      "!" = "Currently only fields for the {.field files} resource can be \\
             checked for validity.",
      " " = "Nothing done."
  if (is.null(fields)) {
  if (is_expose(fields)) {

  if (!identical(resource, "files")) {

  out <- intersect(fields, .drive$files_fields$name)
  if (!setequal(fields, out)) {
    bad_fields <- setdiff(fields, out)
      "Omitting fields that are not recognized as part of the Files resource:",

#' @rdname drive_fields
#' @export
prep_fields <- function(fields, resource = "files") {
  resource <- glue("{resource}/")
  paste0(resource, fields, collapse = ",")
## usage:
## resource = NULL because we prepend "files/" when n > 1 items can come back
# request <- request_generate(
#   endpoint = "drive.files.get",
#   params = list(
#     fileId = two_files_search$id[1],
#     fields = prep_fields(c("name", "owners"), resource = NULL)
#   )
# )
# response <- request_make(request)
# gargle::response_process(response)
LucyMcGowan/googledrive documentation built on Aug. 7, 2024, 11:30 a.m.