test_that("significance stars work", {
expect_equal(sigstars(c(0, .001, .01, .05, .1, 2)), c("***", "**", "*", "†", "", ""))
test_that("significance stars can be padded", {
expect_equal(sigstars(c(0, .001, .01, .05, .1, 2), pad_html = TRUE),
c("***", "** ", "* ", "† ", " ", " "))
test_that("can unescape HTML", {
.unescape_html(c("&", "hi", ".01", "†")),
c("&", "hi", ".01", "†")
test_that("line_to_vector works", {
line_to_vector("Today is really rather freezing", return = "vector")[c(3, 5)],
c("really", "freezing")
line_to_vector("1 2 3", strings = FALSE),
"c(1, 2, 3)"
line_to_vector("1 2 3", strings = TRUE),
'c("1", "2", "3")'
line_to_vector("1 2 3", return = "v"),
c(1, 2, 3)
test_that("Function handles different separators", {
line_to_vector("0 a,b\nc\td", separators = "all", return = "vector"),
c("0", "a", "b", "c", "d")
line_to_vector("a,b\nc\td", separators = "top-level", return = "vector"),
c("a,b", "c\td")
line_to_vector("a,b\nc\td", separators = c(",", "\t"), return = "vector"),
c("a", "b\nc", "d")
test_that("Function handles keep_blank_as_na correctly", {
line_to_vector("a b c", keep_blank_as_na = TRUE, separators = "all", return = "vector"),
c("a", NA, "b", NA, NA, "c")
line_to_vector("a b c", keep_blank_as_na = FALSE, separators = "all", return = "vector"),
c("a", "b", "c")
test_that("Function stops with appropriate error when separators are invalid", {
line_to_vector("a b c", separators = "invalid_separator"),
test_that("Function handles commas and spaces together correctly", {
line_to_vector("a,b,c", return = "vector"),
c("a", "b", "c")
line_to_vector("a, b, c", return = "vector"),
c("a", "b", "c")
x <- cut_p(iris$Sepal.Length, p = c(.25, .50, .25), fct_levels = c("short", "middling", "long"), verbose = FALSE)
test_that("cut_p works", {
expect_equal(levels(x), c("short", "middling", "long"))
expect_equal(prop.table(table(x))[2], .5, ignore_attr = TRUE)
rn1 <- rename_cat_variables(mtcars,
var_names = data.frame(old = c("wt", "mpg"), new = c("Weight", "Efficiency")),
level_names = data.frame(var = c("cyl", "cyl"), level_old = c(6, 8), level_new = c("many", "a lot"))
test_that("rename_cat_variables works", {
expect(all(c("Weight", "Efficiency") %in% names(rn1)), "Renamed columns missing")
expect_equal(dim(mtcars), dim(rn1))
expect_equal(table(rn1$cyl)["many"], 7, ignore_attr = TRUE)
# Copy-pasting somehow changes whitespace here - so that needs to be ignored for testing
tribble_code <- stringr::str_squish("
~mpg, ~cyl, ~disp,
21, 6, 160,
21, 6, 160,
22.8, 4, 108,
21.4, 6, 258,
18.7, 8, 360
test_that("to_tribble works", {
expect_equal(stringr::str_squish(to_tribble(mtcars[1:5, 1:3])), tribble_code)
var_names <- stringr::str_squish('var_names <- tibble::tribble(
~old, ~new,
"Sepal.Length", "Sepal.length",
"Sepal.Width", "Sepal.width",
"Petal.Length", "Petal.length",
"Petal.Width", "Petal.width",
"Species", "Species"
level_names <- stringr::str_squish('level_names <- tibble::tribble(
~var, ~level_old, ~level_new,
"Species", "setosa", "Setosa",
"Species", "versicolor", "Versicolor",
"Species", "virginica", "Virginica"
test_that("get_rename_tribbles works", {
expect_equal(stringr::str_squish(get_rename_tribbles(iris, show = FALSE)[[1]]), var_names)
expect_equal(stringr::str_squish(get_rename_tribbles(iris, show = FALSE)[[2]]), level_names)
test_that("NA helper works", {
expect_equal(na_share(c(1,2,3,NA), 1), .2)
expect_equal(na_ifs(LETTERS, c("A", "D"))[1:4], c(NA, "B", "C", NA))
x <- -3:3
expect_equal(na_when(x, x < 0, x > 2), c(NA, NA, NA, 0, 1, 2, NA))
expect_equal(na_when(x, x < 0, x %% 2 == 1, operator = "&"), c(NA, -2, NA, 0, 1, 2, 3))
test_that("named_list works", {
name <- "Paul"
age <- 10
expect_names(names(named_list(name, age)), identical.to = c("name", "age"))
expect_equal(named_list(name, age)$age, 10)
expect_warning(name %>% named_list(age))
test_that("paste_ function works as expected", {
expect_equal(paste_("hello", NA, "you"), "hello you")
expect_equal(paste_("", NA, "you"), "you")
expect_equal(paste_(NA, NA, NA), "")
expect_equal(paste_(c("hello", "world"), c(NA, "everyone"), c("you", NA)), c("hello you", "world everyone"))
expect_equal(paste_(1, 2, NA, 4), "1 2 4")
expect_equal(paste_("", "", ""), "")
expect_equal(paste_(c("hello", NA, "world"), collapse = ", "), "hello, world")
expect_equal(paste_("hello", NA, "world", sep = "-"), "hello-world")
expect_equal(paste_("hello", c(NA, "world")), c("hello", "hello world"))
expect_equal(paste_(), "")
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