
Defines functions addTo

Documented in addTo

#' Add \linkS4class{Layer}/\linkS4class{Quantity} to a \linkS4class{Format}/\linkS4class{Source}/\linkS4class{Field}  
#' Adds metadata encapsulated in a \linkS4class{Layer} or \linkS4class{Quantity}
#' @param x The \linkS4class{Layer}/\linkS4class{Quantity} to be added
#' @param add.to The \linkS4class{Format}/\linkS4class{Source}/\linkS4class{Field}  
#' @return The returned oobject will be or an updated \linkS4class{Format}/\linkS4class{Source}/\linkS4class{Field} 
#' object if "add.to" was specified.
#' @include classes.R
#' @export
#' @seealso \linkS4class{Layer}, \linkS4class{Quantity}, \link{defineQuantity}, \link{defineLayer}
#' @include classes.R
#' @author Matthew Forrest \email{matthew.forrest@@senckenberg.de} 
#' @examples
#' ## Using addTo() to add a new Layer to a Format and a Source
#' ## a hypothetical shrub PFT layer
#' TeBES.PFT <- defineLayer(id = "TeBES",
#'                        name = "Temperate Broadleaved Evergreen Shrub",
#'                        colour = "red",
#'                        properties = list(type = "PFT",      
#'                                          climate.zone = "Temperate",
#'                                          leaf.form = "Broadleaved",
#'                                          phenology = "Evergreen",
#'                                          growth.form = "Shrub"))
#' # print it
#' print(TeBES.PFT)
#' invisible(readline(prompt="Press [enter] to continue"))
#' # and add it to the GUESS Format and check it is there
#' GUESS.withNewLayer <- addTo(TeBES.PFT, GUESS) 
#' print(GUESS.withNewLayer@predefined.layers)#' 
#' invisible(readline(prompt="Press [enter] to continue"))
#' # also to a Source
#' # first make test Source
#' run.dir <- system.file("extdata", "LPJ-GUESS_Runs", "CentralEurope", package = "DGVMTools")
#' test.Source <- defineSource(id = "LPJ-GUESS_Example", dir = run.dir,  format = GUESS)
#' # add and check
#' test.Source <- addTo(TeBES.PFT, test.Source) 
#' print(test.Source@defined.layers)#' 
#' invisible(readline(prompt="Press [enter] to continue"))
#' ## Using addTo() to add a new Quantity to a Format and a Source
#' ## eg. C turnover time
#' Cturnover.Quantity <- defineQuantity(id = "Cturnover",
#'                                      name = "Carbon Turnover Time",
#'                                      colours = viridis::magma,
#'                                      units = "y") # note no CF standard name is defined
#' # print it
#' print(Cturnover.Quantity)
#' invisible(readline(prompt="Press [enter] to continue"))
#' # and add it to the GUESS Format and check it is there
#' GUESS.withNewQuantity <- addTo(Cturnover.Quantity, GUESS) 
#' print(GUESS.withNewQuantity@quantities)
#' invisible(readline(prompt="Press [enter] to continue")) 
#' # also to a Source 
#' # add and check
#' test.Source <- addTo(Cturnover.Quantity, test.Source) 
#' print(test.Source@format@quantities)

addTo <- function(x, add.to) {
  if(is.Layer(x)) {
    if(is.Format(add.to)) initial.layers <- add.to@predefined.layers
    else if(is.Source(add.to)) initial.layers <- add.to@defined.layers
    else if(is.Field(add.to)) initial.layers <- add.to@source@defined.layers
    else stop("add.to argument to defineLayer()/addTo() must be a Format, Source or Field (if supplied)")
    # now look for a Layer with the required id, in the exisiting Format
    # and if it exists get its index to over-write it but also give a warning
    # if not, add it to the end
    this.index <- length(initial.layers)+1
    for(this.layer.index in 1:length(initial.layers)){
      if(initial.layers[[this.layer.index]]@id == x@id) {
        warning(paste("Function defineLayer()/addTo() is replacing an exisiting Layer with id =", x@id, "in Format/Source/Field", deparse(substitute(add.to)), sep = " "))
        this.index <- this.layer.index
    initial.layers[[this.index]] <- x
    # make an updated Format add.to and return
    this.updated <- copy(add.to)
    if(is.Format(add.to)) {
      this.updated@predefined.layers <- initial.layers
    else if(is.Source(add.to)) {
      this.updated@defined.layers <- initial.layers
    else if(is.Field(add.to)) {
      this.updated@source@defined.layers <- initial.layers
  } # end if Layer
  else if(is.Quantity(x)) {
    if(is.Format(add.to)) initial.quantities <- add.to@quantities
    else if(is.Source(add.to)) initial.quantities <- add.to@format@quantities
    else if(is.Field(add.to)) initial.quantities <- add.to@source@format@quantities
    else stop("add.to argument to defineQuantity()/addTo() must be a Format, Source or Field (if supplied)")
    # now look for a Quantity with the required id, in the exisiting Format
    # and if it exists get its index to over-write it but also give a warning
    # if not, add it to the end
    this.index <- length(initial.quantities)+1
    for(this.quantity.index in 1:length(initial.quantities)){
      if(initial.quantities[[this.quantity.index]]@id == x@id) {
        warning(paste("Function defineQuantity()/addTo() is replacing an exisiting Quantity with id =", x@id, "in Format/Source", deparse(substitute(add.to)), sep = " "))
        this.index <- this.quantity.index
    initial.quantities[[this.index]] <- x
    # make an updated Format add.to and return
    this.updated <- copy(add.to)
    if(is.Format(add.to)) {
      this.updated@quantities <- initial.quantities
    else if(is.Source(add.to)) {
      this.updated@format@quantities <- initial.quantities
    else if(is.Field(add.to)) {
      this.updated@source@format@quantities <- initial.quantities
      this.updated@quant <- x
      this.updated@id <- makeFieldID(this.updated)
  } # end if Quantity
  else {
    stop("'x' argument to addTo can only be a Layer or a Quantity ")
MagicForrest/DGVMTools documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 8:05 a.m.