
Defines functions mod_buttonsInput mod_buttons

Documented in mod_buttons mod_buttonsInput

#' @title mod_buttonsInput and mod_buttons
#' @description A shiny module to create and populate the buttons inputs
#' @param id shiny id
#' @param ifndb pool object to access the ifn db
#' @export
mod_buttonsInput <- function(id, ifndb) {

  # ns
  ns <- shiny::NS(id)

  # Buttons
      # title
      shiny::tags$strong(label_getter(ifndb, 'esp', 'buttonsInput_strong_label')),
      # buttons
        inputIds = c(
          ns('show_agg'), ns('show_filter_def'), ns('show_viz')
        labels = c(
          label_getter(ifndb, 'esp', 'show_agg_label'),
          label_getter(ifndb, 'esp', 'show_filter_def_label'),
          label_getter(ifndb, 'esp', 'show_viz_label')
        status = 'success', size = 'sm',
        direction = 'horizontal', fullwidth = TRUE
      # ... other buttons, to develop

#' mod_buttons server function
#' @param input internal
#' @param output internal
#' @param session internal
#' @export
#' @rdname mod_buttonsInput
mod_buttons <- function(
  input, output, session
) {

  # reactive values from buttons to return
  mod_buttons_reactives <- shiny::reactiveValues()

    mod_buttons_reactives$show_filter_def <- input$show_filter_def
    mod_buttons_reactives$show_filter_adv <- input$show_filter_adv
    mod_buttons_reactives$show_agg <- input$show_agg
    mod_buttons_reactives$show_viz <- input$show_viz


  # observeEvent for save_map_bttn, to trigger the modal dialog
  # shiny::observeEvent(
  #   eventExpr = input$save_map_bttn,
  #   handlerExpr = {
  #     ns <- session$ns
  #     shiny::showModal(
  #       shiny::modalDialog(
  #         # pseudo title
  #         shiny::h4('Select the format to download'),
  #         # footer with buttons
  #         footer = shiny::tagList(
  #           shinyWidgets::downloadBttn(
  #             ns('save_map_png'), 'png', 'material-flat', size = 'sm'
  #           ),
  #           shinyWidgets::downloadBttn(
  #             ns('save_map_pdf'), 'pdf', 'material-flat', size = 'sm'
  #           ),
  #           # shinyWidgets::downloadBttn(
  #           #   ns('save_map_sh'), 'shapefile', 'material-circle', size = 'sm'
  #           # ),
  #           shiny::modalButton('Dismiss')
  #         )
  #       )
  #     )
  #   }
  # )

  # outputs for the downloadHandlers
  # output$save_map_png <- shiny::downloadHandler(
  #   filename = 'ifn_map.html',
  #   content = function(file) {
  #     htmlwidgets::saveWidget(mod_map$input_map(), file = file)
  #   }
  # )
  # output$save_map_pdf <- shiny::downloadHandler(
  #   filename = 'ifn_map.pdf',
  #   content = function(file) {
  #     mapview::mapshot(mod_map$input_map(), file = file)
  #   }
  # )

  # shiny::observe({
  #   foo <- mod_map$input_map()
  #   browser()
  # })

  # output$save_map_sh <- shiny::downloadHandler(
  #   filename = 'ifn_map.sh',
  #   content = function(file) {
  #     mapview::mapshot(mod_map$map_input(), file = file)
  #   }
  # )
MalditoBarbudo/IFNappkg documentation built on May 13, 2019, 11:52 p.m.