
Defines functions ZeroFilling

Documented in ZeroFilling

#' @export ZeroFilling

ZeroFilling <- function(Fid_data, fn = ncol(Fid_data), verbose = FALSE) {
  # Data initialisation and checks ----------------------------------------------
  checkArg(verbose, c("bool"))
  begin_info <- beginTreatment("ZeroFilling", Fid_data, verbose = verbose)
  Spectrum_data <- begin_info[["Signal_data"]]
  checkArg(fn, c("num", "pos"))
  fn <- 2^(round(log(fn)/log(2))) # round fn to the nearest 2^x
  # Construct the matrix filled with 0 and adapt their colnames -------------------
  zero_matrix <- matrix(complex(real = 0, imaginary = 0), nrow = nrow(Fid_data), 
               ncol = fn) 
  sp_descr <- diff(as.numeric(colnames(Fid_data)))[1]
  colnames(zero_matrix) <- seq(from = max(as.numeric(colnames(Fid_data))) + sp_descr,
                      to = max(as.numeric(colnames(Fid_data))) + sp_descr * fn,
                      by = sp_descr)
  # Zero filling --------------------------------------
  mat_ZeroFilled <- cbind(Fid_data, zero_matrix)
  Fid_data <- mat_ZeroFilled
  # Data finalisation ----------------------------------------------
  Fid_data <- endTreatment("ZeroFilling", begin_info, Fid_data,verbose = verbose)
ManonMartin/PEPSNMR documentation built on Nov. 26, 2021, 8:45 p.m.