
#	 class calculating metrics for regression models.
#	This class has several functions calculating metrics of predictive ability
#	of regression models.
#	To obtain the metrics, initialize the object and call
#	\emph{calculate.metrics} method.
#	Following metrics are calculated for regression models.
#	\describe{
#		\item{Mean squared error (MSE)}{
#			\eqn{mean((prediction - response) ^ 2)}
#		}
#		\item{Root mean squared error (RMSE)}{
#			\eqn{sqrt(mean((prediction - response) ^ 2))}
#		}
#		\item{R squared, \eqn{R ^ 2}}{
#			\eqn{Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient ^ 2}
#			Note that this definition of \eqn{R^2} may produce high values
#			for models without predictive ability so that I recommend to use
#			\eqn{Q ^ 2} instead of \eqn{R ^ 2}.
#			See
#			\href{http://www.russpoldrack.org/2012/12/the-perils-of-leave-one-out.html}{
#				this
#			},
#			\href{http://not2hastie.tumblr.com}{this} and
#			\href{https://metarabbit.wordpress.com/2014/03/06/evaluating-regression-with-cross-validation/}{
#				this
#			}.
#		}
#		\item{Spearman's rho}{
#			\code{cor(response, prediction, method = "spearman")}
#		}
#		\item{Kendall's tau}{
#			\code{cor(response, prediction, method = "spearman")}
#		}
#		\item{Q squared, \eqn{Q^2}}{
#			\eqn{
#				1 - \sum((prediction - response) ^ 2)
#				/ \sum((response - mean(response)) ^ 2)
#			}
#		}
#	}
regression.metrics.calculator <- R6::R6Class("regression.metrics.calculator")

#	Calculate mean squared error (MSE).
#	Args:
#		fit:
#			a list having result of one fold of cross validation
#			with "response", "prediction" and "index" fields.
	"private", "calc.mse",
	function(fit) {
		if (is.factor(fit$response)) {
		return(mean((fit$prediction - fit$response) ^ 2))

#	Calculate root mean squared error (RMSE).
#	Args:
#		fit:
#			a list having result of one fold of cross validation
#			with "response", "prediction" and "index" fields.
	"private", "calc.rmse",
	function(fit) {

#	Calculate R squared.
#	Args:
#		fit:
#			a list having result of one fold of cross validation
#			with "response", "prediction" and "index" fields.
	"private", "calc.r.squared",
	function(fit) {
		if (is.factor(fit$response)) {
		return(stats::cor(fit$response, fit$prediction) ^ 2)

#	Calculate Spearman's rho.
#	Args:
#		fit:
#			a list having result of one fold of cross validation
#			with "response", "prediction" and "index" fields.
	"private", "calc.spearman",
	function(fit) {
		if (is.factor(fit$response)) {
		return(stats::cor(fit$response, fit$prediction, method = "spearman"))

#	Calculate Kendall's tau.
#	Args:
#		fit:
#			a list having result of one fold of cross validation
#			with "response", "prediction" and "index" fields.
	"private", "calc.kendall",
	function(fit) {
		if (is.factor(fit$response)) {
		return(stats::cor(fit$response, fit$prediction, method = "kendall"))

#	Calculate Q squared.
#	Args:
#		fit:
#			a list having result of one fold of cross validation
#			with "response", "prediction" and "index" fields.
	"private", "calc.q.squared",
	function(fit) {
		if (is.factor(fit$response)) {
		press <- sum((fit$prediction - fit$response) ^ 2)
		tss <- sum((fit$response - mean(fit$response)) ^ 2)
		return(1 - press / tss)

#	Calculate all metrics.
#	Args:
#		fit:
#			a list having result of one fold of cross validation
#			with "response", "prediction" and "index" fields.
#	Returns:
#		calculated metrics in following format.
#			list(
#				matrix(mse, rmse, r.squared, spearman, kendall, q.squared)
#			)
#		Because classification.metrics.calculator can returns metrics for
#		different threshold determination method, the format of the result
#		should be a list having matrix.
	"public", "calculate.metrics",
	function(fit) {
		metrics <- cbind(
			mse = private$calc.mse(fit),
			rmse = private$calc.rmse(fit),
			r.squared = private$calc.r.squared(fit),
			spearman = private$calc.spearman(fit),
			kendall = private$calc.kendall(fit),
			q.squared = private$calc.q.squared(fit)
		# To have same result format with classification.metrics.calculator,
		# return the matrix of metrics in a list.
Marchen/cv.models documentation built on Sept. 2, 2020, 2:04 a.m.