
# Example of simulating and fitting a CCRW

gII <- 0.9
gEE <- 0.9
lI <- 0.01
lE <- 0.001
kE <- 10
a <- 1 
mov <- simmCCRW(1000,gII,gEE,lI,lE,kE,a,0.5)
movRes <- movLikelihoods(mov, PRdetails=TRUE)

# To look at the best model compare AICc
AICcRes<- unlist(movRes$mle)[grep("AICc", names(unlist(movRes$mle)))] # CCRW is the best
AICcRes - min(AICcRes) # By far

# Compare parameter estimates to simulation values
cbind(simVal=c(gII,gEE,lI,lE,kE), parEst=movRes$mle$CCRW[1:5]) # Pretty good

# Look at confidence intervals, the "true"/simulated value don't always fall in the 95%CI
cbind(simVal=c(gII,gEE,lI,lE,kE), movRes$CI$CCRW,
      inInt = movRes$CI$CCRW[,2]<=c(gII,gEE,lI,lE,kE) & movRes$CI$CCRW[,3]>=c(gII,gEE,lI,lE,kE))

# Look at the profile likelihood CI over the range from the quad approximation
par(mar=c(4,4,0.5,0.5), mgp=c(2.5,0.8,0))
ciPL <- ciCCRWpl(mov, movRes$mle$CCRW, rangePar=movRes$CI$CCRW[,2:3])
# You'll get warnings if the range values are outside the possible range for the parameter
# Clearly the quad approximation are underestimating the CI interval
rangeB <- cbind(movRes$CI$CCRW[,2]*0.95,movRes$CI$CCRW[,3]*1.05)
ciPL <- ciCCRWpl(mov, movRes$mle$CCRW, rangePar=rangeB)
cbind(simVal=c(gII,gEE,lI,lE,kE), ciPL,
      inInt = ciPL[,2]<=c(gII,gEE,lI,lE,kE) & ciPL[,3]>=c(gII,gEE,lI,lE,kE))
# Now simulated value is in the CI

# Look at test of absolute fit
# With an alpha of 0.05, not significantly different from CCRW

# If using the local turn method to get at biological relevant steps
movResTA <- movLikelihoods(mov, PRdetails=TRUE, TAc=10)

# To look at the best model compare AICc
AICcResTA <- unlist(movResTA$mle)[grep("AICc", names(unlist(movResTA$mle)))] # CCRW is still the best
AICcResTA - min(AICcResTA) # By far

# The difference with the threshold angle is smaller (likelily in part because the data set is smaller), 
# but the delta AIC is still huge

# Compare resuts to simulation values
cbind(movResTA$mle$CCRW[1:5], c(gII,gEE,lI,lE,kE)) # Not so bad except for kE
# It's expected that kE would be biased because we are removing all small angles

# Look at test of absolute fit
# Significantly different from all model with an alpha of 0.05
# But that's likely driven by the removal of the small truning angle
# If we focuss only on the step length
# We see that all turning angle (TA) distributions are insufficient (sig. dif.)
# but the SL distribution of CCRW is not sig. dif

# Using the numerical maximisation instead of EM-algorithm.
movResDN <- movLikelihoods(mov, PRdetails=TRUE, dn=TRUE)
# Much slower!

# But one less parameter (dI), which is actually a nuisance parameter.

# To look at the best model compare AICc
AICcResDN <- unlist(movResDN$mle)[grep("AICc", names(unlist(movResDN$mle)))] # CCRW is the best
AICcResDN - min(AICcResDN) # By far

# Compare parameter estimates to simulation values
cbind(simVal=c(gII,gEE,lI,lE,kE), parEst=movResDN$mle$CCRW[1:5]) # Pretty good

# Look at confidence intervals, the "true"/simulated value don't always fall in the 95%CI
cbind(simVal=c(gII,gEE,lI,lE,kE), movResDN$CI$CCRW,
      inInt = movResDN$CI$CCRW[,2]<=c(gII,gEE,lI,lE,kE) & movResDN$CI$CCRW[,3]>=c(gII,gEE,lI,lE,kE))

# Look at the profile likelihood CI
par(mar=c(4,4,0.5,0.5), mgp=c(2.5,0.8,0))
rangeB <- cbind(movResDN$CI$CCRW[,2]*0.95,movResDN$CI$CCRW[,3]*1.05)
# ciCCRWdnpl will return an error if the range span is outside the parameter space
# e.g. 0 < gII < 1 
rangeB[1,2] <- min(rangeB[1,2], 1-1e-20)
rangeB[2,2] <- min(rangeB[2,2], 1-1e-20)  
ciPL <- ciCCRWdnpl(mov, movResDN$mle$CCRW, rangePar=rangeB, B=15) # slow so only looking at 15 values for this example

cbind(simVal=c(gII,gEE,lI,lE,kE), ciPL,
      inInt = ciPL[,2]<=c(gII,gEE,lI,lE,kE) & ciPL[,3]>=c(gII,gEE,lI,lE,kE))

# Look at test of absolute fit
# With an alpha of 0.05, not significantly different from CCRW

# Using CCRW that use weibull adn wrapped cauchy instead of exponential and von mises distributions
# This is numerically minimise automatically (no option for EM algorithm)
movResWW <- movLikelihoods(mov, PRdetails=TRUE, dn=TRUE, ww=TRUE)

# Looks at both original CCRW and CCRWww
# slightly different models with different parameters

# To look at the best model compare AICc
AICcResWW <- unlist(movResWW$mle)[grep("AICc", names(unlist(movResWW$mle)))]
AICcResWW - min(AICcResWW) # By far

# Look paraneters and confidence intervals (no true values since not mode simulated)

# Look at the profile likelihood CI
par(mar=c(4,4,0.5,0.5), mgp=c(2.5,0.8,0))
rangeB <- cbind(movResWW$CI$CCRWww[,2]*0.95,movResWW$CI$CCRWww[,3]*1.05)
# ciCCRWdnpl will return an error if the range span is outside the parameter space
# e.g. 0 < gII < 1 
rangeB[1,2] <- min(rangeB[1,2], 1-1e-20)
rangeB[2,2] <- min(rangeB[2,2], 1-1e-20)  
rangeB[7,2] <- min(rangeB[7,2], 1-1e-20)  
ciPL <- ciCCRWwwpl(mov, movResWW$mle$CCRWww,
                   rangePar=rangeB, B=15) # slow so only looking at 15 values for this example

# Look at test of absolute fit
# With an alpha of 0.05, not significantly different from CCRW
# Significantly different because it's a different model

# Using HSMM that use weibull adn wrapped cauchy instead of exponential and von mises distributions
# This is numerically minimise automatically (no option for EM algorithm)
movResHSMM <- movLikelihoods(mov, PRdetails=TRUE, hs=TRUE)

# To look at the best model compare AICc
AICcResHSMM <- unlist(movResHSMM$mle)[grep("AICc", names(unlist(movResHSMM$mle)))]

# Look paraneters and confidence intervals (no true values since not mode simulated)

# Look at the profile likelihood CI
rangeB <- cbind(movResHSMM$CI$HSMM[,2]*0.5,movResHSMM$CI$HSMM[,3]*1.3)
rangeB[,1][is.nan(rangeB[,1])] <- (movResHSMM$mleMov$HSMM[1:9]*0.8)[is.nan(rangeB[,1])]
rangeB[,2][is.nan(rangeB[,2])] <- (movResHSMM$mleMov$HSMM[1:9]*1.2)[is.nan(rangeB[,2])]

ciPL <- ciHSMMgpl(mov, movResHSMM$mle$HSMM,
                  rangePar=rangeB, B=15, nPar=9, transPar=transParHSMM, NLL=nllHSMM)

# Look at test of absolute fit
# Significantly different because it's a different model

# Using HSMM but with one less parameter (gPI=gPE)
# Still using weibull and wrapped cauchy instead of exponential and von mises distributions
# This is numerically minimise automatically (no option for EM algorithm)
movResHSMMl <- movLikelihoods(mov, PRdetails=TRUE, hsl=TRUE)


# Look paraneters and confidence intervals (no true values since not mode simulated)

# Look at the profile likelihood CI
rangeB <- cbind(movResHSMMl$CI$HSMMl[,2]*0.5,movResHSMMl$CI$HSMMl[,3]*1.3)
ciPL <- ciHSMMgpl(mov, movResHSMMl$mle$HSMMl,
                  rangePar=rangeB, B=15, nPar=8,
                  transPar=transParHSMMl, NLL=nllHSMMl)

# Look at test of absolute fit
# Significantly different because it's a different model

# Using HSMM but with one less parameter (gPI=gPE)
# Still using weibull and wrapped cauchy instead of exponential and von mises distributions
# This is numerically minimise automatically (no option for EM algorithm)
movResHSMMs <- movLikelihoods(mov, PRdetails=TRUE, hss=TRUE)


# Look paraneters and confidence intervals (no true values since not mode simulated)

# Look at the profile likelihood CI
rangeB <- cbind(movResHSMMs$CI$HSMMs[,2]*0.5,movResHSMMs$CI$HSMMs[,3]*1.3)
ciPL <- ciHSMMgpl(mov, movResHSMMs$mle$HSMMs,
                  rangePar=rangeB, B=15, nPar=8,
                  transPar=transParHSMMs, NLL=nllHSMMs)

# Look at test of absolute fit
# Significantly different because it's a different model

# Using HSMM but with one poisson instead of negative binomial
# Still using weibull and wrapped cauchy instead of exponential and von mises distributions
# This is numerically minimise automatically (no option for EM algorithm)
movResHSMMp <- movLikelihoods(mov, PRdetails=TRUE, hsp=TRUE)


# Look at the profile likelihood CI
rangeB <- cbind(movResHSMMp$CI$HSMMp[,2]*0.5,movResHSMMp$CI$HSMMp[,3]*1.3)
ciPL <- ciHSMMgpl(mov, movResHSMMp$mle$HSMMp,
                  rangePar=rangeB, B=15, nPar=7, transPar=transParHSMMp, NLL=nllHSMMp)
# Look at test of absolute fit
MarieAugerMethe/CCRWvsLW documentation built on May 7, 2019, 2:50 p.m.