knitr::opts_chunk$set(error=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE)


Here we will get the data for Pijuan-Sala et al.'s E8.25 ATAC-seq dataset. As I haven't been involved in this dataset, for information on their methods please see their paper

Preparing the processed data

We obtain the processed count data through the r Biocpkg("BiocFileCache") framework. This caches the data locally upon the first download, avoiding the need to repeat the download on subsequent analyses. We access the data from the ArrayExpress submission

bfc <- BiocFileCache("raw_data", ask=FALSE)
bin.count.path <- bfcrpath(bfc, paste0("",

quant.count.path <- bfcrpath(bfc, paste0("",

We load in the count data (both binary and quantitative) from the MatrixMarket format, using methods from the r CRANpkg("Matrix") package:

quant_counts <- readMM(quant.count.path)
bin_counts <- readMM(bin.count.path)

We can see that the binary counts are a simple operation of x>0 on the quantitative counts. Therefore we will continue with the quantitative counts only - a user can binarise them if they so choose.

ind <- which(bin_counts)
ind2 <- which(quant_counts>0)
all(ind == ind2)
counts <- quant_counts
rm(quant_counts, bin_counts)

We also acquire and load in the row and column names for the sparse matrices above:

peak.path <- bfcrpath(bfc, paste0("",
rownames(counts) <- read.table(peak.path)[,1]
bc.path <- bfcrpath(bfc, paste0("",
colnames(counts)  <- read.table(bc.path)[,1]

There is more detailed row and column metadata in a supplementary file of the paper, which we now download and read into R. However, as this is provided as an Excel file, we need the r CRANpkg("readxl") package.

supp.path <- bfcrpath(bfc, paste0("",
col.meta <-, sheet = 5, guess_max=19454))
row.meta <-, sheet = 6, guess_max=373141))

You can see that the row metadata doesn't match up to the number of rows in the counts:

nrow(counts) - nrow(row.meta)

Some rows of the rowData are duplicated where a region is close to more than one gene.

first_duplicate <- row.meta$peakID[min(which(duplicated(row.meta$peakID)))]
print(row.meta[row.meta$peakID == first_duplicate,c(1:7)])

We therefore collapse duplicated genes into a single row, with comma separation of terms. Separation by comma distinguishes from where the authors' have used semicolons.

spt <- split(row.meta, f=row.meta$peakID)
new <- lapply(spt, function(x){
    if(nrow(x) == 1) return(x)
    x[1, "geneName"] = paste(x$geneName, collapse = ",")
    x[1, "geneID"] = paste(x$geneID, collapse = ",")
    x[1, "strand"] = paste(x$strand, collapse = ",")
    x[1, "distance_from_TSS"] = paste(x$distance_from_TSS, collapse = ",")
    sub = x[, !grepl("(gene(Name|ID)|strand|distance_from_TSS)", colnames(x))]
    if(nrow(unique(sub))>1) stop("Not fully corrected")
row.meta.nodups <-, new)

We now reorder the count matrix to match the metadata

counts.full <- counts
counts <- counts[row.meta.nodups$peakID, col.meta$barcode]

The column metadata contains data best stored in other slots. We separate the UMAP coordinates and Topics into separate objects into their own reducedDim slots.

umap <- col.meta[, c("umap_X", "umap_Y")]
names(umap) <- c("x", "y")
topics <- col.meta[, grepl("Topic", names(col.meta))]
col.meta <- col.meta[, !grepl("(^Topic|^umap)", names(col.meta))]

We tweak some meta names for consistency with the other data in this package, and add stage and sample IDs for more consistency. We also add row/colnames to the count matrix.

colnames(col.meta)[colnames(col.meta) == "ann"] <- "celltype"
rownames(col.meta) <- colnames(counts) <- col.meta$barcode
rownames(row.meta.nodups) <- rownames(counts) <- row.meta.nodups$peakID
col.meta = cbind(
    data.frame(sample = rep(1, nrow(col.meta)),
               stage = rep("E8.25", nrow(col.meta))),

Now we make the SCE, including rowRanges.

sce <- SingleCellExperiment(
    assays = List(counts = counts),
    colData = col.meta,
    rowData = row.meta.nodups,
    reducedDims = List(umap = umap, topics = topics)
sizeFactors(sce) <- NULL #just to make this explicit

We now save the data, splitting the large SingleCellExperiment object into its constituent parts. We then upload these smaller files to r Biocpkg("ExperimentHub"). Splitting up the data allows us to update the various getter functions if SingleCellExperiment is updated or overhauled.

base <- file.path("MouseGastrulationData", "BPS_atac", "1.6.0")
dir.create(base, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
samp <- 1
saveRDS(rowData(sce), file=paste0(base, "/rowdata.rds"))
    file=paste0(base, "/counts-processed-sample", samp, ".rds"))
    file=paste0(base, "/coldata-sample", samp, ".rds"))
    file=paste0(base, "/sizefac-sample", samp, ".rds"))
    file=paste0(base, "/reduced-dims-sample", samp, ".rds"))
    file=file.path(base, sprintf("counts-raw-sample%i.rds", samp)))

Make file metadata

We now make the metadata for ExperimentHub so the files can be made properly available.

info <- data.frame(
    Title = sprintf("BPS_atac %s",
        c(sprintf("processed counts (sample %i)", 1),
            sprintf("colData (sample %i)", 1),
            sprintf("size factors (sample %i)", 1),
            sprintf("reduced dimensions (sample %i)", 1),
            sprintf("raw counts (sample %i)", 1))
    Description = sprintf("%s for the E8.25 mouse embryo single-cell ATAC-seq dataset", 
        c(sprintf("Processed counts for sample %i", 1),
            "Per-gene metadata for all samples",
            sprintf("Per-cell metadata for sample %i", 1),
            sprintf("Size factors for sample %i", 1),
            sprintf("Reduced dimensions for sample %i", 1),
            sprintf("Raw (unfiltered) counts for sample %i", 1))
    RDataPath = c(
        file.path("MouseGastrulationData", "BPS_atac", "1.6.0", 
            c(sprintf("counts-processed-sample%i.rds", 1),
                sprintf("coldata-sample%i.rds", 1),
                sprintf("sizefac-sample%i.rds", 1),
                sprintf("reduced-dims-sample%i.rds", 1),
                sprintf("counts-raw-sample%i.rds", 1)))
        rep("", 2),
        rep("41556_2020_489_MOESM2_ESM.xlsx", 2),
    Species="Mus musculus",
    DataProvider="Jonathan Griffiths",
    Maintainer="Jonathan Griffiths <>",
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

write.csv(file="../../extdata/metadata-bpsatac.csv", info, row.names=FALSE)

Session information


MarioniLab/MouseGastrulationData documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 11:01 a.m.