#' @export
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @importClassesFrom Biostrings QualityScaledDNAStringSet
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam bpisup bpstart bpstop
#' @importFrom ShortRead FastqStreamer yield
getAdaptorThresholds <- function(aligned, error=0.01, number=1e5, BPPARAM=SerialParam())
# Scrambles the input sequence and performs the same thing as adaptorAlign but with a scrambled input.
# Identifies the score threshold for the adaptors that achieves the specified error rate.
# written by Aaron Lun
# created 10 March 2018
go <- metadata(aligned$adaptor1)$gapOpening
ge <- metadata(aligned$adaptor1)$gapExtension
adaptor1 <- metadata(aligned$adaptor1)$sequence
adaptor2 <- metadata(aligned$adaptor2)$sequence
tolerance <- metadata(aligned)$tolerance
filepath <- metadata(aligned)$filepath
qual.type <- metadata(aligned)$qual.type
qual.class <- .qual2class(qual.type)
# Looping through the files.
fhandle <- FastqStreamer(filepath, n=number)
scram.score1 <- scram.score2 <- used.names <- list()
counter <- 1L
if (!bpisup(BPPARAM)) {
on.exit(bpstop(BPPARAM), add=TRUE)
while (length(fq <- yield(fhandle))) {
reads <- .FASTQ2QSDS(fq, qual.class)
reads <- reads[names(reads) %in% rownames(aligned)]
used.names[[counter]] <- names(reads)
by.cores <- .parallelize(reads, BPPARAM)
out <- bpmapply(by.cores, FUN=.align_AT_internal,
MoreArgs=list(adaptor1=adaptor1, adaptor2=adaptor2, tolerance=tolerance, gap.opening=go, gap.extension=ge),
scram.score1[[counter]] <- unlist(lapply(out, "[[", i="adaptor1"))
scram.score2[[counter]] <- unlist(lapply(out, "[[", i="adaptor2"))
counter <- counter + 1L
scram.score1 <- unlist(scram.score1)
scram.score2 <- unlist(scram.score2)
m <- match(unlist(used.names), rownames(aligned))
if (any(is.na(m))) {
stop("read names in 'aligned' not present in FASTQ file")
real.score1 <- aligned$adaptor1$score[m]
real.score2 <- aligned$adaptor2$score[m]
threshold1=.compute_threshold(real.score1, scram.score1, error),
threshold2=.compute_threshold(real.score2, scram.score2, error),
scores1=list(reads=real.score1, scrambled=scram.score1),
scores2=list(reads=real.score2, scrambled=scram.score2)
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet QualityScaledDNAStringSet
.scramble_input <- function(seqs, has.qual)
# Scrambles the input sequences. Uses R loops,
# but it should be fast enough for our purposes.
collected.seqs <- strsplit(as.character(seqs), "")
if (has.qual) {
collected.quals <- strsplit(as.character(quality(seqs)), "")
for (i in seq_along(seqs)) {
current <- collected.seqs[[i]]
o <- sample(length(current))
collected.seqs[[i]] <- paste(current[o], collapse="")
if (has.qual) {
collected.quals[[i]] <- paste(collected.quals[[i]][o], collapse="")
output <- DNAStringSet(unlist(collected.seqs))
if (has.qual) {
output <- QualityScaledDNAStringSet(output, as(unlist(collected.quals), class(quality(seqs))))
.compute_threshold <- function(real, scrambled, error)
# Computing the expected FDR at each score threshold
# (a bit conservative, s we can't remove true positives prior to scrambling)
# and then finds the score threshold where the FDR is below the specified error threshold.
real <- sort(real)
scrambled <- sort(scrambled)
fdr <- (length(scrambled) - findInterval(real, scrambled))/(length(real) - seq_along(real))
real[min(which(fdr <= error))]
.align_AT_internal <- function(reads, adaptor1, adaptor2, tolerance, ...)
# Wrapper to ensure that the sarlacc namespace is passed along in bpmapply.
# Scrambling the start and end of the read sequences.
reads.out <- .get_front_and_back(reads, tolerance)
reads.start <- reads.out$front
reads.end <- reads.out$back
scrambled.start <- .scramble_input(reads.start, TRUE)
scrambled.end <- .scramble_input(reads.end, TRUE)
# Computing alignment scores to the adaptors.
all.scores <- .get_alignment_scores(scrambled.start, scrambled.end, adaptor1, adaptor2, ...)
scrambled_start <- all.scores$START
scrambled_end <- all.scores$END
scrambled_revcomp_start <- all.scores$RSTART
scrambled_revcomp_end <- all.scores$REND
is.reverse <- .resolve_strand(scrambled_start, scrambled_end, scrambled_revcomp_start, scrambled_revcomp_end)$reversed
adaptor1=ifelse(is.reverse, scrambled_revcomp_start, scrambled_start),
adaptor2=ifelse(is.reverse, scrambled_revcomp_end, scrambled_end)
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