Defines functions get_DFO_REST

Documented in get_DFO_REST

#' @title get_DFO_REST
#' @description This function facilitates the extraction of data from the DFO 
#' ESRI REST services into R objects and other formats.  
#' By default, the REST services only allow the extraction of 1000 records at a 
#' time, and this function does many successive extractions, and merges the
#' records together into a single object. 
#' @param host The default is \code{https://gisp.dfo-mpo.gc.ca}.  This identifies the host  url for the service.
#' @param service  The default value is
#' \code{'FGP/ADAPT_Canada_Atlantic_Summer_2016'}.  This identifies the folder and service from
#' which you want to extract data.
#' @param save_csv The default value is \code{TRUE}, which means that the
#' extracted data is saved to a csv file in your working directory.  If
#' \code{FALSE}, no csv will be created.
#' @param n_rec The default is \code{0}.  Primarily for debugging, this
#' allows the user to select only some records, rather than doing a full
#' extraction.
#' @family ArcGIS
#' @author  Mike McMahon, \email{Mike.McMahon@@dfo-mpo.gc.ca}
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
#' @export
get_DFO_REST <-function(host = "https://gisp.dfo-mpo.gc.ca", service='FGP/ADAPT_Canada_Atlantic_Summer_2016', save_csv=TRUE, n_rec = 0) {
  timer.start=proc.time() #start timing, for science!
  base_url= paste0(host,'/arcgis/rest/services/',service,'/MapServer/0/')
  extr_Lim = 1000 #can get this many at a time
  #total number of records available
  json_cnt_url <- paste0(base_url,'query?where=1=1&f=pjson&returnCountOnly=true')
  json_cnt <- jsonlite::fromJSON(json_cnt_url)
  if ('error' %in% names(json_cnt)) stop(paste0('\nSomething appears to be wrong with the selected service. Please try again later.
                                                \nYou can try visiting the following url in your browser to see if there\'s any additional information:
  rec_Avail = json_cnt$count
  cat('\n',rec_Avail,' records available')
  if (n_rec==0){
    wanted = rec_Avail
    cat('\nStarting complete extraction')
    wanted = n_rec
    cat('\nStarting extraction of first ',n_rec,' records')

  pb = txtProgressBar(min=0,
                      style = 3)
  for (i in 1:ceiling(wanted/extr_Lim)){
    if ((wanted-rec_Start) < extr_Lim){
    this_pull <- paste0(base_url,'query?where=OBJECTID%3E=0&f=pjson&returnCountOnly=false&returnGeometry=false&outFields=*&resultOffset=',rec_Start,'&resultRecordCount=',extr_Lim)
         this_data <- jsonlite::fromJSON(this_pull)
    if(i==1){    #first resultset, instantiate df
    }else{       # add to existing df
      this.df = rbind(this.df, this_data$features$attributes)
    rec_Start = rec_Start+extr_Lim
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
  names(this.df) = this_data$fields$alias
  this.df$OBJECTID = NULL
  elapsed=timer.start-proc.time() #determine runtime
  cat(paste0('\nExtraction of ',nrow(this.df),' records completed in ',round(elapsed[3],0)*-1, ' seconds'))
  if (save_csv){
    filename = paste0(gsub(".*/","",service),'.csv')
    write.csv(this.df,filename, row.names = FALSE)
    cat(paste0("\ncsv written to ",getwd(), "/",filename))
Maritimes/FGP documentation built on Feb. 8, 2021, 2:15 a.m.