
Defines functions make_oracle_cxn

Documented in make_oracle_cxn

#' @title make_oracle_cxn
#' @description This function facilitates creating a connection to Oracle, and
#' allows connection via RODBC or ROracle, depending on the value of usepkg.
#' @param usepkg default is \code{'rodbc'}. This indicates whether the connection to Oracle should
#' use \code{'rodbc'} or \code{'roracle'} to connect.  rodbc is slightly easier to setup, but
#' roracle will extract data ~ 5x faster.
#' @param fn.oracle.username default is \code{'_none_'} This is your username for
#' accessing oracle objects. If you have a value for \code{oracle.username} 
#' stored in your environment (e.g. from an rprofile file), this can be left out
#' and that value will be used.  If a value for this is provided, it will take 
#' priority over your existing value.
#' @param fn.oracle.password default is \code{'_none_'} This is your password for
#' accessing oracle objects. If you have a value for \code{oracle.password}  
#' stored in your environment (e.g. from an rprofile file), this can be left out
#' and that value will be used.  If a value for this is provided, it will take 
#' priority over your existing value.
#' @param fn.oracle.dsn default is \code{'_none_'} This is your dsn/ODBC
#' identifier for accessing oracle objects. If you have a value for 
#' \code{oracle.dsn} stored in your environment (e.g. from an rprofile file), 
#' this can be left and that value will be used.  If a value for this is 
#' provided, it will take priority over your existing value.
#' @param quietly default is \code{FALSE}  This indicates whether or not status messages should be 
#' shown.
#' @family dfo_extractions
#' @author  Mike McMahon, \email{Mike.McMahon@@dfo-mpo.gc.ca}
#' @note This function temporarily changes the system values for "TZ" and "ORA_SDTZ" to "GMT" to 
#' ensure that dates and times extracted from the various databases remain correct.  It does this 
#' by running \code{Sys.setenv(TZ = "GMT")}  and \code{Sys.setenv(ORA_SDTZ = "GMT")}.  Once a 
#' connection is established (or failes to be established), it restores the values that previously 
#' existed. 
#' @export
make_oracle_cxn <- function(usepkg = 'rodbc', 
                            fn.oracle.username ="_none_",
                            quietly = FALSE) {
  orig_TZ <- Sys.getenv("TZ")
  orig_ORA_SDTZ <- Sys.getenv("ORA_SDTZ")
  Sys.setenv(TZ = "GMT")
  Sys.setenv(ORA_SDTZ = "GMT")
  if (!quietly){
    message("set Sys.setenv(TZ='GMT') and Sys.setenv(ORA_SDTZ='GMT')")
  oracle_cxn = NULL
  use.roracle <-function(oracle.dsn, oracle.username, oracle.password, quietly){
    oracle_cxn <-tryCatch(
        assign('oracle_cxn', ROracle::dbConnect( DBI::dbDriver("Oracle"), oracle.username,oracle.password,oracle.dsn))
    if (inherits(oracle_cxn,"OraConnection")) {
      if (!quietly) cat("\nSuccessfully connected to Oracle via ROracle\n")
      results = list(usepkg='roracle', channel = oracle_cxn, thecmd=eval(parse(text='ROracle::dbGetQuery')))
      Sys.setenv(TZ = orig_TZ)
      Sys.setenv(ORA_SDTZ = orig_ORA_SDTZ)
    } else {
      message("\n!!! An ROracle connection could not be established with Oracle. !!!  
This has nothing to do with any of the Mar.* packages, but with the configuration of ROracle on your computer.
Until you can successfully create a connection via the following line (inserting your own Oracle credentials), this function will continue to fail:

\ttestConnection <- ROracle::dbConnect(DBI::dbDriver('Oracle'), 'yourOracleUsername', 'yourOraclePassword', 'PTRAN')

Things to check:
- Have you installed 'MAR BIO ODBC Configuration' from the Software Centre?
- Have you installed RTools from the software centre?  It will need to be the right version for the R you're running (e.g. RTools 42 for R 4.2.x)
- Do you have environmental variables set up for 'OCI_INC', 'OCI_LIB64' and 'TNS_ADMIN'? The correct values for each are:  
\tOCI_INC = C:\\Oracle\\12.2.0_x64\\cli\\oci\\include
\tOCI_LIB64 = C:\\Oracle\\12.2.0_x64\\cli\\BIN
\tTNS_ADMIN = C:\\Oracle\\12.2.0_x64\\cli\\network\\admin
You can check what you have by opening a command window and typing 'set'. 

      Sys.setenv(TZ = orig_TZ)
      Sys.setenv(ORA_SDTZ = orig_ORA_SDTZ)
  use.rodbc <-function(oracle.dsn, oracle.username, oracle.password, quietly){
    oracle_cxn <-tryCatch(
        assign('oracle_cxn', RODBC::odbcConnect(oracle.dsn, uid = oracle.username, pwd = oracle.password, believeNRows = F))
    if (inherits(class(oracle_cxn),"RODBC")) {
      if (!quietly) cat("\nSuccessfully connected to Oracle via RODBC\n")
      results = list(usepkg='rodbc', channel = oracle_cxn, thecmd=eval(parse(text='RODBC::sqlQuery')))
      Sys.setenv(TZ = orig_TZ)
      Sys.setenv(ORA_SDTZ = orig_ORA_SDTZ)
    } else {
      message("\n!!! An RODBC connection could not be established with Oracle. !!!
This has nothing to do with any of the Mar.* packages, but with the configuration of RODBC on your computer.
Until you can successfully create a connection via the following line (inserting your own Oracle credentials), this function will continue to fail:

\ttestConnection <- RODBC::odbcConnect('PTRAN', uid = 'yourOracleUsername', pwd = 'yourOraclePassword', believeNRows = F)

Things to check:
- Have you installed 'MAR BIO ODBC Configuration' from the Software Centre?
- Within your ODBC Administrator panels, can you see a connection called 'PTRAN'?
- Is your ODBC connection the same architecture as the R you're running?  Both must be either 32 bit or 64 bit.
Have a look at Tools>Global Options>General>R Version to see which R you're using

      # results = list(usepkg='rodbc', channel = -1, thecmd=NA)
      # return(results)
      Sys.setenv(TZ = orig_TZ)
      Sys.setenv(ORA_SDTZ = orig_ORA_SDTZ)
  if (!is.null(oracle_cxn)){
    if (inherits(class(oracle_cxn),"RODBC")){
      results = list(usepkg='rodbc', channel = oracle_cxn, thecmd=eval(parse(text='RODBC::sqlQuery')))
      Sys.setenv(TZ = orig_TZ)
      Sys.setenv(ORA_SDTZ = orig_ORA_SDTZ)
    }else if (inherits(class(oracle_cxn),"OraConnection")) {
      results = list(usepkg='roracle', channel = oracle_cxn, thecmd=eval(parse(text='ROracle::dbGetQuery')))
      Sys.setenv(TZ = orig_TZ)
      Sys.setenv(ORA_SDTZ = orig_ORA_SDTZ)
  } else {
    #get connection info - only prompt for values not in rprofile
    if (fn.oracle.username != "_none_"){
      oracle.username= fn.oracle.username
    } else if (exists('oracle.username')){
      oracle.username <- oracle.username
      if (!quietly) cat("\nUsing stored 'oracle.username'")
      oracle.username <- readline(prompt = "Oracle Username: ")
    if (fn.oracle.password != "_none_"){
         oracle.password= fn.oracle.password
    }else if (exists('oracle.password')){
      oracle.password <- oracle.password
      if (!quietly) cat("\nUsing stored 'oracle.password'")
    } else {
      oracle.password <- readline(prompt = "Oracle Password: ")
    if (fn.oracle.dsn != "_none_"){
         oracle.dsn= fn.oracle.dsn
    }else if (exists('oracle.dsn')){
      oracle.dsn <- oracle.dsn
      if (!quietly) cat("\nUsing stored 'oracle.dsn'")
      oracle.dsn <- readline(prompt = "Oracle DSN (e.g. PTRAN): ")
    if (usepkg=='roracle'){
      use.roracle(oracle.dsn, oracle.username, oracle.password, quietly)
      use.rodbc(oracle.dsn, oracle.username, oracle.password, quietly)
Maritimes/Mar.utils documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 11:38 p.m.