
Defines functions gmr_uuid gmr_hit_page gmr_hit_event gmr_hit_timing

Documented in gmr_hit_event gmr_hit_page gmr_hit_timing gmr_uuid

#' Generate a UUID
#' Suitable for cid parameters
#' @return A UUID for use in \code{payload_data$cid}
#' @export
gmr_uuid <- function(){

#' Send a page type hit
#' Suitable for tracking pages
#' @param url_path The path portion of the page URL, should start with \code{/}
#' @param url_host Specifies the hostname from which content was hosted
#' @param url_title The title of the page or document.
#' @param enhanced_ecom A \code{gmr_ee} generated via \link{gmr_enhanced_ecom}
#' @param ... Other named arguments to pass in as payload data
#' @details
#' Helper wrapper to send page type hits.  Specify named arguments to also send those, including overriding the helper arguments.  E.g. set your own cid = "fixed-value" if you want to have hits to be recorded as coming from the same user.
#' @examples
#' # send hit as a page
#' gmr_hit_page("/hi-from-r-example")
#' # override the dp argument (page path)
#' gmr_hit_page("/hi-from-r-test", dp = "/bye-from-r-test")
#' # set other arguments
#' my_cid <- gmr_uuid()
#' gmr_hit_page("/hi-from-r-test", cid = my_cid)
#' @seealso \url{https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1/parameters}
#' @export
gmr_hit_page <- function(url_path = NULL,
                         url_host = NULL,
                         url_title = NULL,
                         enhanced_ecom = NULL,

  payload_data <- list(
    ds = "googleMeasureR",
    cid = gmr_uuid(),
    dp = url_path,
    dh = url_host,
    dt = url_title

  payload_data <- add_enhanced_ecom(payload_data, enhanced_ecom)
  payload_data <- override_list(payload_data, ...)

  gmr_post(payload_data, hittype = "pageview")


#' Send a event type hit
#' Suitable for tracking general events
#' @param category Specifies the event category
#' @param action Specifies the event action.
#' @param label Optional label
#' @param value Optional value
#' @param interaction Whether hit is interactive with page (affecting bounce rate)
#' @param ... Other named arguments to pass in as payload data
#' @inheritParams gmr_hit_page
#' @details
#' Helper wrapper to send event type hits.  Specify named arguments to also send those, including overriding the helper arguments.  E.g. set your own cid = "fixed-value" if you want to have hits to be recorded as coming from the same user.
#' @examples
#' gmr_hit_event("R_cat","R_action","R_label",300)
#' @seealso \url{https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1/parameters}
#' @export
gmr_hit_event <- function(category,
                          label = NULL,
                          value = NULL,
                          interaction = TRUE,
                          enhanced_ecom = NULL,

  payload_data <- list(
    ds = "googleMeasureR",
    cid = gmr_uuid(),
    ec = category,
    ea = action,
    el = label,
    ev = value,
    dp = "/event",
    ni = if(interaction) 0L else 1L # is 1 if NOT interactive...
  payload_data <- add_enhanced_ecom(payload_data, enhanced_ecom)
  payload_data <- override_list(payload_data, ...)

  gmr_post(payload_data, hittype = "event")


#' Send a timing type hit
#' Suitable for tracking time lags
#' @param category Specifies the timing category
#' @param name Specifies the timing name
#' @param time An integer in milliseconds
#' @param label Optional label
#' @param ... Other named arguments to pass in as payload data
#' @inheritParams gmr_hit_page
#' @details
#' Helper wrapper to send timing type hits.  Specify named arguments to also send those, including overriding the helper arguments.  E.g. set your own cid = "fixed-value" if you want to have hits to be recorded as coming from the same user.
#' @examples
#' gmr_hit_timing("R_app","shiny_loadtime",3000, label = "appname")
#' @seealso \url{https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1/parameters}
#' @export
gmr_hit_timing <- function(category,
                           label = NULL,
                           enhanced_ecom = NULL,

  payload_data <- list(
    ds = "googleMeasureR",
    cid = gmr_uuid(),
    utc = category,
    utv = name,
    utt = time,
    utl = label
  payload_data <- add_enhanced_ecom(payload_data, enhanced_ecom)
  payload_data <- override_list(payload_data, ...)

  gmr_post(payload_data, hittype = "timing")

MarkEdmondson1234/googleMeasureR documentation built on Oct. 27, 2019, 9:02 p.m.