Man pages for MartinFXP/bnem
Training of logical models from indirect measurements of perturbation experiments

absorptionIIInverse absorption
addNoiseAdd noise
bcrB-Cell receptor signalling perturbations
bnemBoolean Nested Effects Model main function
bnemBsBootstraped Network
computeFcCompute differential effects
convertGraphConvert normal form
dummyCNOlistCreate dummy CNOlist
epiNEM2BgSwitch between epiNEM and B-NEM
findResidualsCompute residuals
plot.bnemplot bnem opbject
plot.bnembsPlot Bootstrap result
plot.bnemsimplot simulation object
processDataBCRBCR perturbation reproduction
randomDnfsample normal form
reduceGraphReduce graph
scoreDnfscore a boolean network
simBoolGtnSample random network and simulate data
simulateStatesRecursiveSimulate states
transClosetransitive closure
transRedtransitive reduction
validateGraphvalidate graph
MartinFXP/bnem documentation built on May 8, 2024, 4:29 a.m.