

## TODO: Rename context
## TODO: Add more tests

test_that("read input works correctly", {
  expect_error(ReadInput("rsds", "./regressionInput/KNMI14____ref_rsds___19810101-20101231_wrong.txt"), #nolint
               "Check input file: Latitude NOT (or not properly) provided.", fixed = TRUE)
  expect_error(ReadInput("rr", "blah"),
               "Input file does not exist.")



filename <-  system.file("exampledata",
                         package = "knmitransformer")
tgData <- fread(filename, skip = 6)

tgData[, date := format(as.Date(paste(V1, V2, V3, sep = "-"),
                                format = "%Y-%m-%d"), format = "%Y%m%d")]

tgData <- tgData[, .(date, tg = V4, year = V1)]

lat <- 52.1
lon <- 5.18
comment <- "# First one"

test_that("Input assertion", {
  expect_error(CreateKnmiTFInput(tgData, 1, lat, lon, comment),
               "Data should contain only column date and column values")
  expect_error(CreateKnmiTFInput(tgData[, .(date, tg)], 1, lat, lon, comment),
               "Data should contain only column date and column values")
  expect_error(CreateKnmiTFInput(tgData[, .(date, values = tg)], 1, lat, lon,
               "Date col should contain date in integer format 'yyyymmdd'")
  tgData[, date := as.integer(date)]
  expect_error(CreateKnmiTFInput(tgData[year == 2009, .(date, values = tg)], 1,
                                 lat, lon, comment),
      "The date column should contain the full period from 19810101 to 20101231")
  expect_error(CreateKnmiTFInput(tgData[, .(date, values = tg)], 1, lat, lon,
      "Currently the period is limited to the official thirty year period 1981-2010")
  tgData <- tgData[year %in% 1981 : 2010]
  expect_error(CreateKnmiTFInput(tgData[, .(date, values = tg)], 1, rep(lat, 2),
                                 lon, comment),
               "lat and lon should be of length 1")
  expect_error(CreateKnmiTFInput(tgData[, .(date, values = as.character(tg))],
                                 1, rep(lat, 2), lon, comment),
               "Values should be of class numeric")
  expect_equal_to_reference(CreateKnmiTFInput(tgData[, .(date, values = tg)], 1,
                                              lat, lon, comment),
                            file = "regressionOutput/additional/CreateInput.rds")

test_that("Recognizes official files", {
  filename <- KnmiRefFile("KNMI14____ref_tg___19810101-20101231_v3.2.txt")

test_that("CheckRegions", {
  expect_error(CheckRegions("AB", 1), "Regions have to match the KNMI defined regions")
  expect_error(CheckRegions("MON", 2),
      "regions should be `NLD` or vector of length equal to number of stations")
  expect_equal(CheckRegions("NLD", 2), rep("NLD", 2))
  expect_equal(CheckRegions(c("NLD", "MON"), 2), c("NLD", "MON"))
  expect_error(CheckRegions(c("NLD", "MON"), 3),
      "regions should be `NLD` or vector of length equal to number of stations")
MartinRoth/knmitransformer documentation built on May 7, 2019, 3:39 p.m.