
## code to prepare `all_geoms` dataset goes here

# This script loads a bunch of supporting packages and extracts their geoms.
# These geom names are then used to set the default aesthetics.

geom_packs <- c(

# Not sure yet if adding packages to "suggests" is useful, don't do it for now
# purrr::walk(geom_packs[-1L], use_package, type = "Suggests") # nolint

get_geoms <- function(pack) {
  ls(getNamespace(pack), pattern = "^geom_")

all_geoms <- purrr::map(geom_packs, get_geoms) |>
  purrr::flatten_chr() |>
  stringr::str_remove("^geom_") |>

usethis::use_data(all_geoms, overwrite = TRUE)
MattCowgill/grattantheme documentation built on Jan. 13, 2023, 11:02 a.m.