
# Create lookup tables of state names and abbreviations

state_table <- tibble::tribble(
                                    ~state_name, ~state_abbr,     ~iso, ~postal,
                              "New South Wales",       "NSW", "AU-NSW",   "NSW",
                                   "Queensland",       "Qld", "AU-QLD",   "QLD",
                              "South Australia",        "SA",  "AU-SA",    "SA",
                                     "Tasmania",       "Tas", "AU-TAS",   "TAS",
                                     "Victoria",       "Vic", "AU-VIC",   "VIC",
                            "Western Australia",        "WA",  "AU-WA",    "WA",
                 "Australian Capital Territory",       "ACT", "AU-ACT",   "ACT",
                           "Northern Territory",        "NT",  "AU-NT",    "NT",
                                    "Australia",       "Aus",     "AU",    "AU",
                                        "Other",       "Oth", NA_character_, NA_character_,
                                        "Total",       "Tot", NA_character_, NA_character_

state_table <- tibble::tribble(
  ~code,                           ~state_name,
      1,              "New South Wales",
      2,                     "Victoria",
      3,                   "Queensland",
      4,              "South Australia",
      5,            "Western Australia",
      6,                     "Tasmania",
      7,           "Northern Territory",
      8, "Australian Capital Territory"
  ) %>%
  right_join(state_table, by = "state_name")

state_dict_df <- state_table %>%
  gather(key = "type", value = "alias", -state_abbr)

state_dict_df <- state_table %>%
  select(state_abbr) %>%
  mutate(alias = state_abbr,
         type = "state_abbr") %>%

# create dictionary as character vector
state_dict <- state_dict_df$alias
names(state_dict) <- state_dict_df$state_abbr

state_dict <- c(state_dict,
     "Aus" = "Australia",
     "Aus" = "Aus",
     "Aus" = "Oz",
     "SA" = "south oz",
     "WA" = "west oz",
     "WA" = "double you ay",
     "WA" = "dubyooway",
     "WA" = "westraya",
     "Tas" = "tassie",
     "Tas" = "tazzie",
     "Tas" = "tazzy",
     "Oth" = "Other",
     "Oth" = "Oth",
     "Tot" = "Total",
     "Tot" = "Tot")

nospaces <- gsub(" ", "", state_table$state_name)
names(nospaces) <- state_table$state_abbr

state_dict <- c(state_dict, nospaces)

state_dict <- state_dict[!duplicated(state_dict)]

state_dict <- tolower(state_dict)

usethis::use_data(state_dict, state_table, overwrite = TRUE, internal = TRUE)
MattCowgill/strayr documentation built on May 31, 2021, 12:15 a.m.