siInner <- function(indPair, pVec, compMatch, object, indexMat, parmMat, varMat, level, reference, type, sifct, interval, degfree, logBase)
jInd <- indPair[1]
kInd <- indPair[2]
# indexMat <- object$"indexMat"
parmInd1 <- indexMat[, jInd]
parmInd2 <- indexMat[, kInd]
# parmMat <- matrix(coef(object)[indexMat], ncol = ncol(indexMat))
parmChosen1 <- parmMat[, jInd]
parmChosen2 <- parmMat[, kInd]
# SIeval <- sifct(parmChosen1, parmChosen2, pVec, 1,2,1,2, reference, type, jInd, kInd)
SIeval <- sifct(parmChosen1, parmChosen2, pVec, jInd, kInd, reference, type)
SIval <- SIeval$"val" # SIeval[[1]]
dSIval <- SIeval$"der" # SIeval[[2]]
# print(dSIval)
# print(varMat)
oriMatRow <- c(SIval, sqrt(t(dSIval) %*% varMat %*% dSIval))
siMatRow <- matrix(NA, 1, 4) # four is the maximum number of columns
siMatRow[1, 1] <- SIval
## Using t-distribution for continuous data
## only under the normality assumption
if (identical(object$"type", "continuous"))
qFct <- function(x) {qt(x, degfree)}
pFct <- function(x) {pt(x, degfree)}
} else {
qFct <- qnorm
pFct <- pnorm
if (identical(interval, "none"))
siMatRow[2] <- oriMatRow[2] # sqrt(dSIval%*%varCov%*%dSIval)
## Testing SI equal to 1
tempStat <- (siMatRow[1] - 1)/siMatRow[2]
siMatRow[3] <- tempStat
siMatRow[4] <- pFct(-abs(tempStat)) + (1 - pFct(abs(tempStat)))
if ( (identical(interval, "delta")) || (identical(interval, "fls")) )
stErr <- oriMatRow[2] # sqrt(derEval%*%varCov%*%derEval)
tquan <- qFct(1 - (1 - level)/2)
siMatRow[2] <- siMatRow[1] - tquan * stErr
siMatRow[3] <- siMatRow[1] + tquan * stErr
ciLabel <- "Delta method"
if (identical(interval, "tfls"))
lsVal <- log(oriMatRow[1])
lsdVal <- oriMatRow[2] / oriMatRow[1]
tquan <- qFct(1 - (1 - level)/2)
siMatRow[2] <- exp(lsVal - tquan * lsdVal)
siMatRow[3] <- exp(lsVal + tquan * lsdVal)
ciLabel <- "To and from log scale"
if ((!is.null(logBase)) && (identical(interval, "fls")))
siMatRow[1] <- logBase^(siMatRow[1])
siMatRow[2] <- logBase^(siMatRow[2])
siMatRow[3] <- logBase^(siMatRow[3])
ciLabel <- "From log scale"
if (identical(interval, "fieller")) # using t-distribution
vcMat <- matrix(NA, 2, 2)
# vcMat[1, 1] <- SIeval$"der1" %*% varMat[parmInd1, parmInd1] %*% SIeval$"der1"
# vcMat[2, 2] <- SIeval$"der2" %*% varMat[parmInd2, parmInd2] %*% SIeval$"der2"
# vcMat[1, 2] <- SIeval$"der1" %*% varMat[parmInd1, parmInd2] %*% SIeval$"der2"
vcMat[1, 1] <- SIeval$"der1" %*% varMat %*% SIeval$"der1"
vcMat[2, 2] <- SIeval$"der2" %*% varMat %*% SIeval$"der2"
vcMat[1, 2] <- SIeval$"der1" %*% varMat %*% SIeval$"der2"
vcMat[2, 1] <- vcMat[1, 2]
muVec <- c(SIeval$"valnum", SIeval$"valden")
siMatRow[2:3] <- fieller(muVec, degfree, vcMat, level = level)
ciLabel <- "Fieller"
c(siMatRow, dSIval)
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