Man pages for MaximeWack/R2b2
R package to manage an i2b2 instance and import data

add_bodyAdd the body to the message
add_encountersAdd encounters to the CRC cell
add_headerAdd the header to the message
add_observationsAdd observations to the CRC cell
add_ontAdd an ontology to metadata
add_patients_demodataAdd patients to the CRC cell
add_patients_imdataAdd patients to the IM cell
add_projectAdd a project
add_userAdd an user
add_user_rolesAdd user roles
add_usersAdd multiple users
base_msgCreate base XML message
clear_default_demodataClear the default demodata tables
clear_default_imdataClear the default imdata tables
clear_default_metadataClear the default metadata tables
clear_default_workdataClear workspace tables
clear_demodataClear the demodata tables
clear_tableClear a database table
clear_webclientClear the default credentials in the webclient
create_adminCreate system and database admin accounts
create_passwordGenerate a random password
dbPushPush a dataframe into a database table
dbUpdateUpdate a dataframe into a database table
dbUpsertUpserta dataframe into a database table
delete_conceptDelete concepts
delete_modifierDelete modifiers
delete_ontDelete an ontology from metadata
delete_projectDelete a project
delete_usersDelete users
fresh_installMake a fresh install from the base VM
get_domainGet the domain
get_ontFetch an ontology
import_patients_visitsImport patients and their visits
list_conceptsList concepts
list_ontList the available ontologies
list_projectsList projects
list_schemesList the available schemes
list_user_rolesList user roles
list_usersList users
pipePipe operator
populate_conceptPopulate the concept_dimension
populate_ontPopulate an empty ontology table
populate_providerPopulate the provider_dimension
rebuild_indexes_demodataRebuild the indexes
send_msgSend the message
serviceManage services
set_domainSet the domain
set_permissionsSet the permissions for the webclient and wildfly folders
MaximeWack/R2b2 documentation built on May 8, 2019, 9:52 a.m.