Man pages for MayaGueguen/RFate
Vegetation modelling with the FATE model

DATASET_Bauges_PFGDataset Bauges PFG
divLeinsterFind cutoff to transform abundance values into binary values
dot-adaptMapsAdapt all raster maps of a 'FATE' simulation folder (change...
dot-createParamsCreate a parameters file
dot-getCutoffFind cutoff to transform abundance values into binary values
dot-getELLIPSEObtain ellipse coordinates from (PCO) X,Y and a factor value
dot-getOSFind operating system of your computer
dot-getParamExtract parameter value(s) from a parameter file
dot-loadDataLoad a dataset
dot-loadPackageLoad a 'R' package and install it if necessary
dot-setParamReplace parameter value(s) from a parameter file
dot-setPatternReplace a pattern with a new within all parameter files of a...
dot-unzip_ALLCompress ('.tif', '.img') or decompress ('.gz') files...
dot-upscaleMapsUpscale / crop all raster maps of a 'FATE' simulation folder
FATE.runRun a 'FATE' simulation
POST_FATE.binaryMapsCreate binary maps for each Plant Functional Group for one...
POST_FATE.graphic_evolutionCoverageCreate a graphical representation of the evolution of PFG...
POST_FATE.graphic_evolutionPixelsCreate a graphical representation of the evolution of PFG...
POST_FATE.graphic_evolutionStabilityCreate a graphical representation of the evolution of habitat...
POST_FATE.graphic_mapPFGCreate a map related to plant functional group results...
POST_FATE.graphic_mapPFGvsHSCreate maps of both habitat suitability and simulated...
POST_FATE.graphicsCreate all possible graphical representations for a 'FATE'...
POST_FATE.graphic_validationStatisticsCreate a graphical representation of several statistics for...
POST_FATE.relativeAbundCreate relative abundance maps for each Plant Functional...
POST_FATE.temporalEvolutionCreate tables of pixel temporal evolution of PFG abundances...
PRE_FATE.abundBraunBlanquetTransform Braun-Blanquet values into relative abundances
PRE_FATE.params_changingYearsCreate _SCENARIO_ parameter files for a 'FATE' simulation
PRE_FATE.params_globalParametersCreate _Global_parameters_ parameter file for a 'FATE'...
PRE_FATE.params_multipleSetCreate multiple set(s) of parameter files for a 'FATE'...
PRE_FATE.params_PFGdispersalCreate _DISPERSAL_ parameter files for a 'FATE' simulation
PRE_FATE.params_PFGdisturbanceCreate _DISTURBANCE_ parameter files for a 'FATE' simulation
PRE_FATE.params_PFGdroughtCreate _DROUGHT_ parameter files for a 'FATE' simulation
PRE_FATE.params_PFGlightCreate _LIGHT_ parameter files for a 'FATE' simulation
PRE_FATE.params_PFGsoilCreate _SOIL_ parameter files for a 'FATE' simulation
PRE_FATE.params_PFGsuccessionCreate _SUCCESSION_ parameter files for a 'FATE' simulation
PRE_FATE.params_savingYearsCreate _SAVE_ parameter files for a 'FATE' simulation
PRE_FATE.params_simulParametersCreate _Simul_parameters_ parameter file for a 'FATE'...
PRE_FATE.selectDominantSelection of dominant species from abundance releves
PRE_FATE.skeletonDirectoryCreate the skeleton folder for a 'FATE' simulation
PRE_FATE.speciesClustering_step1Create clusters based on dissimilarity matrix
PRE_FATE.speciesClustering_step2Choose clusters and select determinant species
PRE_FATE.speciesClustering_step3Calculate PFG traits values based on determinant species...
PRE_FATE.speciesDistanceComputation of distances between species based on traits and...
RFATE.runShiny application to apply 'RFate' functions and run 'FATE'...
SAVE_FATE.step1_PFGSave data to reproduce building of Plant Functional Groups
SAVE_FATE.step2_parametersSave data to reproduce building of parameter files
MayaGueguen/RFate documentation built on Oct. 17, 2020, 8:06 a.m.