options(width = 100, digits = 3)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, 
                      comment = "#>", 
                      echo = TRUE, 
                      cache = FALSE, 
                      prompt = FALSE,
                      tidy = TRUE,
                      comment = NA, 
                      message = FALSE, 
                      warning = FALSE, 
                      tidy = TRUE, 
                      tidy.opts = list(width.cutoff = 60),
                      fig.width = 7, 
                      fig.height = 5, 
                      dev = "png")


Here we present an example of the brainClass workflow to perform transcriptional-data-guided fMRI network classification and the post-hoc evaluation using the COBRE data set.

Install brainClass

# install.packages("devtools")

Load packages

## if needed
# devtools::install_github("jesusdaniel/graphclass")

Load data


This is an ROI-by-gene data frame, where ROIs (regions of interest) are defined by the Power brain parcellation. The Power parcellation defines 264 brain regions, out of which we are able to map AHBA gene expression samples into 248 ROIs.

ahba[1:5, 1:10]

Note that ROI 75 is missing in COBRE data.

X_cobre <- COBRE.data$X.cobre
y_cobre <- COBRE.data$Y.cobre
colnames(X_cobre) <- getEdgeLabel(node = c(1:74, 76:264))
rownames(X_cobre) <- as.character(1:124)
y_cobre[y_cobre == -1] <- 0

Genes are identified by entrez ID.


DiGSeE scores of schizophrenia relevance are constructed for each GSC. GSCs are filtered by size. We keep gene sets with at least 5 genes when deriving DiGSeE scores for the gene sets. Further details on how we obtained these scores are available in the Supplementary methods to the manuscript.


brainClass network classification

For example, let us use the KEGG pathways to construct gene set expression networks.

Obtain gene set edge groups

1) Downsize gene expression data (Optional but recommended)

ahba <- filterGeneExpr(ahba)
ahba <- ahba[rownames(ahba)[order(as.numeric(rownames(ahba)))], ]
ahba <- ahba[-which(rownames(ahba) == "75"), ]

2) Get a gene set collection (GSC) of interest and filter by gene set sizes

The filtering on GSC by gene set sizes is optional but recommended.

kegg <- filterGeneSets(geneSetList = gscv7.0$kegg, candidateGenes = colnames(ahba), 
                       min.size = 5, max.size = Inf)
summary(sapply(kegg, length))

If one wishes to keep all gene sets from the GSC, set min.size to 2 and max.size to Inf. The min.size parameter cannot be smaller than 2 in order to calculate correlations. Note that, it is still necessary to filter out genes that do not have gene expression information in the reference transcriptional data set, which is the (filtered) AHBA data set.

# Not run 
kegg <- filterGeneSets(geneSetList = gscv7.0$kegg, candidateGenes = colnames(ahba), 
                       min.size = 2, max.size = Inf)

3) Get gene set edge groups

keggEdgeGrp <- getGeneSetEdgeGroup(geneExpr = ahba, geneSetList = kegg, cutoff = 0.99)

Network classification and prediction

Let's test one fold from a 10-fold cross-validation as an example:

edgesToClassify <- unlist(keggEdgeGrp)
edgesToClassify <- edgesToClassify[!duplicated(edgesToClassify)]

cvfolds <- getCVfolds(y_cobre, k = 10, repeats = 1)
trainid <- cvfolds[[1]] %>% filter(k != 1)
fit <- brainclass(X = X_cobre[trainid$Ind, edgesToClassify], y = y_cobre[trainid$Ind], edgeGrp = keggEdgeGrp)

Prediction on the test set

testid <- cvfolds[[1]] %>% filter(k == 1)
test <- predict(fit, X = X_cobre[testid$Ind, edgesToClassify], type = "class")
table(test, y_cobre[testid$Ind])

Selected gene set edge groups:


Post-hoc Interpretation

Example 1

First, as an example, we evaluate the edge selection results by glmnet::glmnet applied on the COBRE data set by different metrics with KEGG pathways.

(1) Edge selection results by glmnet

Obtain the edge labels of selected features, that is, edges with a non-zero fitted coefficient.

# install.package("glmnet")

cvfit <- cv.glmnet(X_cobre, y_cobre, family = "binomial", nfolds = 10)
selectedEdges <- coef(cvfit, s = "lambda.min")
selectedEdges <- names(selectedEdges[selectedEdges@i + 1, ])[-1]

(2) Obtain edgewise metrics

Evaluate by KEGG pathways:

metrics <- posthoc.edge(selected.edgeLabels = selectedEdges, 
                        all.edgeLabels = colnames(X_cobre), 
                        geneSetList = kegg, 
                        geneExpr = ahba, 
                        iter = 100)
DT::datatable(signif(metrics, 2), width = "90%", options = list(scrollX = TRUE))

(3) Association with prior knowledge - the DiGSeE database

Get the "truth" - KEGG pathways with a top 5% in both average and sum DiGSeE scores are assumed to be associated with schizophrenia.

metrics <- merge(metrics, digsee[["kegg"]], by = 0) %>% 
   mutate(truth = ((avgScore >= quantile(avgScore, 0.95)) + (sumScore >= quantile(sumScore, 0.95)) > 0) + 0)
metrics$Row.names[metrics$truth == 1]

Generate the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for each metric:

rocs <- getROC(truth = metrics$truth, test.metric = metrics$Jaccard, step.size = 0.01)

ggplot(rocs, aes(x = fpr, y = tpr)) + 
  geom_line() + 
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, color = "darkred", linetype = 2) + 
  labs(x = "FPR", y = "TPR") + 

Also, calculate the area under this ROC curve (AUC):

DescTools::AUC(rocs$fpr, rocs$tpr)

Notice that, with p-valued metrics, significance is indicated by smaller values. We thereby need the "one-minus" transformation when calculating the ROC curve:

rocs <- getROC(truth = metrics$truth, test.metric = 1-metrics$Jaccard.PValue, step.size = 0.01)

ggplot(rocs, aes(x = fpr, y = tpr)) + 
  geom_line() + 
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, color = "darkred", linetype = 2) + 
  labs(x = "FPR", y = "TPR") + 

DescTools::AUC(rocs$fpr, rocs$tpr)

Example 2

Next, we evaluate the same selected edges by glmnet with the Jaccard index by different GSCs (say, KEGG, REACTOME, transcription factor targets and positional).

gscs <- c("kegg", "reactome", "position", "tft")
rocs <- lapply(gscs, function(ind) {
   # filter the gene sets by size
   gsc_i <- filterGeneSets(geneSetList = gscv7.0[[ind]], 
                           candidateGenes = colnames(ahba), 
                           min.size = 5, 
                           max.size = Inf)
   # obtain Jaccard indices
   res <- posthoc.edge(selected.edgeLabels = selectedEdges, 
                       all.edgeLabels = colnames(X_cobre), 
                       geneSetList = gsc_i, 
                       geneExpr = ahba, 
                       get.jaccard = TRUE, 
                       get.betweenness = FALSE, 
                       iter = 100)
   # get roc
   res <- merge(res, digsee[[ind]], by = 0) %>% 
      mutate(truth = ((avgScore >= quantile(avgScore, 0.95)) + (sumScore >= quantile(sumScore, 0.95)) > 0) + 0)
   roc <- getROC(truth = res$truth, test.metric = res$Jaccard, step.size = 0.01)

   roc$gsc <- ind
}) %>% do.call(rbind, .)


ggplot(rocs, aes(x = fpr, y = tpr, color = gsc)) + 
   geom_line() + 
   geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, color = "darkred", linetype = 2) + 
   labs(x = "FPR", y = "TPR", color = "GSC") + 
   ggtitle("ROC curves by Jaccard Index") + 


group_by(rocs, gsc) %>% 
   summarise(auc = DescTools::AUC(fpr, tpr))


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Session Information


Mengbo-Li/brainClass documentation built on March 16, 2023, 12:06 p.m.