
#' @title Create a dotplot of median parameter values with 95\% credibility
#'        intervals
#' @description
#'      \code{coda_dotplot} creates a single dotplot of the specified parameters
#'      (or all parameters if none are specified) with the dots giving the
#'      median value over all mcmc chains and horizontal bars giving the 80\%
#'      credibility interval (thick bars) and the 95\% credibility intervals
#'      (thin bars). This type of plot is also known as a catepillar plot and
#'      provides a way to easily summarize many parameters in a hierarchical
#'      model.
#' @param coda.object
#'      An mcmc.list object
#' @param parameters
#'      character vector of parameter names to include in graphic. If none are
#'      supplied all monitored parameters are included.
#' @return
#'      A graphics device
#' @export
#' @author Michael Malick
#' @seealso \code{\link{xyplot}}
#' @examples
#' library(coda)
#' data(line)
#' coda_dotplot(line)
#' coda_dotplot(line, parameters = "alpha")
#' coda_dotplot(line, parameters = c("alpha", "beta"))
#' coda_dotplot(line, parameters = grep("sig", varnames(line), value = TRUE))
#' coda_dotplot(line, parameters = grep("a", varnames(line), value = TRUE))
#' coda_dotplot(line, parameters = c("alpha", grep("sig", varnames(line),
#'              value = TRUE)))
coda_dotplot <- function(
    parameters = NULL) {

    parm.p <- coda_table(coda.object, parameters = parameters)

    fun.par <- list(strip.background = list(col = c("grey95", "grey85")),
                    strip.shingle    = list(col = c("grey95", "grey85")),
                    strip.border     = list(col = "grey50"),
                    axis.line        = list(col = "grey50"),
                    axis.text        = list(col = "grey30"),
                    reference.line   = list(col = "grey85"))

    xmin <- min(parm.p$"2.5%")
    xmax <- max(parm.p$"97.5%")

    xmin <- xmin - abs(xmax*0.03)
    xmax <- xmax + abs(xmax*0.03)

    l <- lattice::xyplot(factor(row.names(parm.p), levels = row.names(parm.p)) ~ parm.p$median,
                         pch  = 19,
                         cex  = 1.0,
                         col  = "steelblue",
                         ylab = "",
                         xlab = "Value",
                         xlim = c(xmin, xmax),
                         par.settings = fun.par,
                         scales = list(tck = c(1, 0)),
                         panel = function(x, y, ...) {
                             lattice::panel.abline(v = 0, col = "grey60",
                                                   lty = 2)
                             lattice::panel.segments(y0 = 1:dim(parm.p)[1],
                                                     y1 = 1:dim(parm.p)[1],
                                                     x0 = parm.p$"2.5%",
                                                     x1 = parm.p$"97.5%",
                                                     col = "steelblue",
                                                     lwd = 1)
                             lattice::panel.segments(y0 = 1:dim(parm.p)[1],
                                                     y1 = 1:dim(parm.p)[1],
                                                     x0 = parm.p$"10%",
                                                     x1 = parm.p$"90%",
                                                     col = "steelblue",
                                                     lwd = 2.5)
                             lattice::panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
MichaelMalick/r-codatools documentation built on May 8, 2019, 9:56 a.m.