localSRMD: localSRMD for Genomic measurement invariance models

View source: R/localSRMD.R

localSRMDR Documentation

localSRMD for Genomic measurement invariance models


Given a set of parameter values from Genomic SEM models, calculate the extent to which groups differ on these parameters.


 localSRMD(unconstrained, constrained, lhsvar, rhsvar, ...)



A vector of parameter values from an unconstrained structural equation model, where focal parameters are estimated freely in each group.


A vector of parameter values from a constrained structural equation model, where focal parameters are constrained to be equal across groups.


A list containing the variances, in each group, of the variables in the usermodel() results column lhs


A list containing the variances, in each group, of the variables in the usermodel() results column rhs


The function returns the average standardized extent to which estimates from a constrained set of structural equation model parameters differ from those obtained when the same set of parameters are freely estimated.

MichelNivard/GenomicSEM documentation built on Feb. 12, 2025, 10:11 p.m.