multiSNP: Combine LDSC, summary statistic output, and LD information...

View source: R/multiSNP.R

multiSNPR Documentation

Combine LDSC, summary statistic output, and LD information for models including multiple SNPs


Function to expand the S and V matrices to include multiple SNP effects in a single matrix, along with LD information across these SNPs.


multiSNP (covstruc, SNPs, LD, SNPSE = FALSE, SNPlist = NA, ...)



Output from Genomic SEM multivariable LDSC


Summary statistics file created using the sumstats function


Matrix of LD information across the SNPs. If only independent SNPs are being provided a matrix of 0s can be entered. Note that the function requires that A1 and A2 be included in the LD matrix column names (e.g., rs12345_A_T)


User provided SE of the SNP variance for entry in the V matrix. If no number is provided the package defaults to using .0005 to reflect a practically fixed population value taken from a reference panel


List of rsIDs if the user wishes to subset out a set of SNPs from a full set of summary statistics


The function expands the S and V matrices to include multiple SNP effects. These matrices include LD information across the SNPs.

MichelNivard/GenomicSEM documentation built on Feb. 12, 2025, 10:11 p.m.