Man pages for MiguelRodo/ggboot
Bootstrap univariate and multivariate plots

assignGraphParSet ggbootMV graphical parameters.
assignSelAxisIndVecAssign selected column indices to
calcAxisPredCalculate axis predictivity
calcBCaCalculate BCa
calcBCaACalculate BCa acceleration factor
calcBCaZ0Calculate BCa bias quantile
calcBFCalculate maximum Bayes factor.
calcBiplotBootstrap PCA biplot statistics
calcBootSampleGroupMVBootBootstrap location measure.
calcCalValCalculate calibration values.
calcCITblcalculate confidence intervals for multiple groups
calcEllipseCalculate ellipses
calcGroupEllipseCalculate bivariate normal contour for groups.
calcGroupMVBootBootstrap location measures for a single group.
calcIndMVBootBootstrap location measure.
calcLUCalculate number of unique vector elements.
calcMinMaxCalculate min and max
calcMVCalculate information required for plotting PCA biplot with...
calcMVBootBootstrap location measures for multiple groups.
calcPCalculate p-value
calcPCACalculate PCA and associated statistics.
calcPSubCalculate p-value
calcPTblCalculate p value for a table
calcPWCompute pair-wise comparisons estimates and bootstrap...
calcRoundPropVarReturn proportion of variation explained.
calcUniqueCombnCalculate unique combinations
centreAndScaleCentre and scale a dataframe.
correctBHcorrect using bh procedure
findSortedIndTblSort x- and y-columns by size of response for an individual...
findSortedTblSort x- and y-columns by size of response across facets.
findXTblSet a categorical variable as x-variable, with all remaining...
findXYRowFind and correct row of a specific categorical variable...
fullSplitFuncSplit by vaccine within a specified splitting vector.
getLocFuncReturn the selected location function.
getSelAxisIndReturn the column indices with given variables names.
ggbootMVmv med plot info func
ggbootPWPair-wise comparisons plot
ggbootUVUnivariate bootstrap plot
helloHello, World!
llbFuncCalculate the 2.5 llbFunc(x) x
mvEllCalcFuncmv med ellipse calc func
plotCompQualComponent-wise axis predictivity plot.
plotCumQualPlot cumulative axis predctivity
sortGroupLabVecChange group labels according to sorted response size.
sortIndGroupLabVecChange group labels according to sorted response size, within...
sortTblFuncSort a table in some way.
sub_second_halfSubtract second half of a vector from the first.
uubFuncCalculate the 97.5 uubFunc(x) x
MiguelRodo/ggboot documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 5:45 p.m.