createContinuousCovariates: Create a set of continuous covariates

View source: R/createContinuousCovariates.R

createContinuousCovariatesR Documentation

Create a set of continuous covariates


Creates a set of continuous covariates from a multivariate normal distribution and (optionally) a set of constraints.


  covariance = 1,
  range = NULL,
  maxDraws = 100,
  seed = .deriveFromMasterSeed(),
  idCol = getEctdColName("Subject"),
  includeIDCol = TRUE



(Required) Subjects for which to create covariates


(Required) Names for the continuous covariates. They should be valid R names (See validNames) and no duplicate name should be given


(Required) Vector of means. Must be of same length than names


(Optional) Lower triangle of covariance matrix. See parseCovMatrix for details. 1 by default


(Optional) Ranges of acceptable values for each covariates. See parseRangeCode for details. This is missing by default, resulting in no "range" limitation being applied


(Optional) Number of digits used to round the values. This argument can be either missing (the default), so no rounding is done, of length one and all variables are rounded at the same digits, of same length than the number of covariates so that each covariate is rounded according to its value. This argument is first parsed by parseCharInput so it can either be a character vector or a numeric vector. See parseCharInput. If the parsed digits vector does not have length one or length equal to the number of covariates, an error is generated by the ectdStop function. This is missing by default, resulting in no rounding being performed


(Optional) Maximum number of attempts allowed if initial data not in range (100 by default)


(Optional) Random seed to use. By default, this is derived from the master random seed


(Optional) Name of the subject column. Must be a valid R name (See validNames) and not equal to one entry of names. "SUBJ" by default


(Optional) Should the subject column be included.


Romain Francois

See Also

createDiscreteCovariates to create covariates for a discrete distribution.


  # 30 samples from a :      [ 0 ]   [ 1, 0, 0 ]
  #                      N ( [ 0 ] , [ 0, 1, 0 ] )
  #                          [ 1 ]   [ 0, 0, 1 ]
  dat <- createContinuousCovariates( 30,
                                     mean = "0,0,1",
                                     names = c("X", "Y", "Z")  )

  # 30 samples from a :      [ 0 ]   [ 1, 0, 0 ]
  #                      N ( [ 0 ] , [ 0, 1, 0 ] )
  #                          [ 1 ]   [ 0, 0, 1 ]
  # truncated at X > 0
  dat <- createContinuousCovariates( 30,
                                     mean = "0,0,1",
                                     names = c("X", "Y", "Z"),
     range= "X > 0"  )

  # 30 samples from a :      [ 0 ]   [ 1, 0, 0 ]
  #                      N ( [ 0 ] , [ 0, 1, 0 ] )
  #                          [ 1 ]   [ 0, 0, 1 ]
  # truncated at X = 0, and X < Y  < 1
  dat <- createContinuousCovariates( 30,
                                     mean = "0,0,1",
                                     names = c("X", "Y", "Z"),
                                     range= c("X > 0", "X< Y<1")  )
  stopifnot( all( dat$X < dat$Y ) )
  stopifnot( all( dat$X > 0 ) )

  # 30 samples from a :      [ 0 ]   [ 1 , .5, 0 ]
  #                      N ( [ 0 ] , [ .5, 1 , 0 ] )
  #                          [ 1 ]   [ 0 , 0 , 1 ]
  dat1 <- createContinuousCovariates( 30,
                                      mean = "0,0,1",
                                      names = c("X", "Y", "Z"),
                                      covariance = "1,.5,1,0,0,1",
                                      seed = 30  )

  # same
  dat2 <- createContinuousCovariates( 30,
                                      mean = "0,0,1",
                                      names = c("X", "Y", "Z"),
                                      covariance = cbind(c(1,.5,0),
                                                         c(0,0,1)) ,
                                      seed = 30  )

  stopifnot( all(dat1 == dat2 ))
  # use of the digits argument
  # X will be rounded at 2 digits
  # Y will be rounded at 3 digits
  # Z will be rounded at 2 digits
  createContinuousCovariates( 10,
                              mean = "100,100,100",
                              names = c("X", "Y", "Z"),
                              digits = "2,3,2"  )

MikeKSmith/MSToolkit documentation built on July 3, 2024, 1:53 a.m.