LNAPhyloDyn is a R-package that aims at fitting stochastic SIR model using genealogy data. The method and the model are described in the paper ... . Here's an example based on simulated dataset. First, you need to load the package and some other dependent packages.


Simulate data

Here's the parameters for simulation.

Other configurations:

Simulate SIR trajectory

Simulate the infectious SIR trajectory based on SIR model using Markov jump process (MJP):

x_i4 = c(1,2,0,1) # 1 changepoint, two parameters. 0 is the index for R_0, 1 is the index for gamma. (default for SIR model)

traj6 = ODE_rk45(c(100000,1),t = seq(0,100,length.out = 4001), param = c(2.2,0.2,1),x_r = c(100000,20), x_i = x_i4, model = "SIR") # Simulation based on ode

LNA_Traj6 = Traj_sim_ezG2(c(100000,1),times = seq(0,100,length.out = 4001), 
                          param = c(2.2,0.2,1), 40,x_r = c(100000,20), x_i = x_i4,
                          90, model = "SIR")$Simu # simulation based on non-restarting LNA

MJP_Traj6 = simuSIRt(c(100000,1),time = seq(0,100,length.out = 4001), param1 = c(2.2,0.2,1), x_r1 = c(100000,20), x_i1 = x_i4) # simulation based on MJP

# view the simulated data
# plot S, I trajectory
par(mar = c(4,4,1,1), mgp = c(2,1,0))
plot(MJP_Traj6[,1], MJP_Traj6[,2], type = "l",ylab = "counts", xlab = "time", lwd = 2, col = "red",ylim = c(0,100000))
lines(MJP_Traj6[,1], MJP_Traj6[,3], lwd = 2, col = "blue")
legend("topright", legend = c("Susceptible", "Infected"), lty = 1, lwd =2 , col = c("blue", "red"))

Simulate Genealogies

Given the simulated trajectory MJP_Traj6, we simulated the geonealy based on Volz .el 2009. The simulated data contains the sufficient statistics for inference: coalescent time, the sampling time, and the number of lineages sampled. If you want to sample a tree structure, view package phydynR by Volz for more details.

coal_simu6 = volz_thin_sir(MJP_Traj6, 90, samp_times = c(0,10,20,40,80,85),
                           betaN = betaTs(c(2.2,0.2,1),t = MJP_Traj6[,1], 
                                          x_r = c(100000,20),x_i = x_i4))


Now we do the inference by running our MCMC algorithm. First we specify the LNA grid for Ode solver, the LNA grid and the grid for changepoints

times = seq(0,1000,length.out = 2001)
t2 = times[seq(1,length(times),by=50)]
cht = t2[2:(length(t2)-1)]

Start MCMC for 2000 iterations

resres6 = General_MCMC2(coal_simu6, times = seq(0,100,length.out = 2001), t_correct = 90,
                        N = 100000,gridsize = 50,niter = 2000,burn = 0,thin = 5,
                        changetime = cht,DEMS = c("S","I"),
                        prior=list(pop_pr=c(1,1,1,1), R0_pr=c(1,7), gamma_pr = c(-1.5,0.1), mu_pr = c(-1.2,0.1), hyper_pr=c(30,0.7)),
                        proposal = list(pop_prop = 0.2, R0_prop = c(0.01), gamma_prop=0.05, mu_prop = 0.02, hyper_prop=0.25),
                        control = list(alpha=c(1/100000), R0 = 1.8, gamma=0.2, ch=rep(1,length(cht)), traj = matrix(rep(0,2*40),ncol=2),hyper = 10),updateVec = c(1,1,1,0,0.5,1,1),
                        likelihood = "volz", model = "SIR",
                        Index = c(0,1), nparam=2,method = "admcmc", options=list(joint = T, PCOV = NULL,beta=0.95,burn1 = 10, parIdlist = list(a = 2,b=3,c=4,d=5 + length(cht)), isLoglist = list(a = 1,b=0,c=1,d=0),
                                                                                 priorIdlist = list(a=1,b=2,c = 3,d = 5),up = 1000000), verbose = F)

Simulation results

# R0(t) trajectory 
par(mar = c(4,4,1,1), mgp = c(2,1,0))
randomR0_traj(seq(0,100,length.out = 41),resres6,3,c(5:43),
              seq(1000,2000,by=5),ylim = c(1,3))
abline(h = 2.2,col = "black", lwd = 2)
legend("topright", legend = c("post median", "true"), col = c("red", "black"), lwd = 2, lty = 1)
# Histogram for recovery rate gamma
hist(resres6$par[1000:2000,4],main = "", xlab = "gamma")
abline(v = 0.2, col = "black", lwd = 2)
legend("topright", legend = c("post median", "true", "95%CI"), col = c("red", "black", "blue"), lwd = 2, lty = 1)

If you want to have better results, try more iterations.

check parameters and trajectory

dim(resres6$par) # parameters
dim(resres6$Trajectory) # trajectories


  1. Volz E M, Pond S L K, Ward M J, et al. Phylodynamics of infectious disease epidemics[J]. Genetics, 2009, 183(4): 1421-1430.

MingweiWilliamTang/LNAphyloDyn documentation built on Oct. 23, 2019, 11:56 a.m.