R CMD check results

0 errors | 1 warnings | 0 note

There is a WARNING

checking data for ASCII and uncompressed saves ... OK WARNING 'qpdf' is needed for checks on size reduction of PDFs

It seems to be related with the new R version (4.0).

We deeply regret the release of this new version of the eat package. We are aware of CRAN's policies for submitting packages. However, we have been forced to release this new update to facilitate the review (and the creation itself) of a paper on the eat package for the RJournal. In addition to this, the modifications proposed for this new version will make the use of the package easier for the user. From now on, we promise to abide by CRAN's submitting policy and again, we reiterate our regret for what happened.

MiriamEsteve/EAT documentation built on Jan. 18, 2022, 6:55 p.m.