fire_comm: Fire data set

fire_commR Documentation

Fire data set


Woody plant species counts in burned and unburned forest sites in the Missouri Ozarks, USA.


fire_comm is a site-by-species matrix with individual counts.

fire_plot_attr is a data frame with corresponding site variables. The column group specifies whether a site is "burned" or "unburned". This variable is considered a "treatment" in the mob framework. The columns x and y contain the spatial coordinates of the sites.

The data were adapted from Myers et al (2015).


Myers, J. A., Chase, J. M., Crandall, R. M., & Jimenez, I. (2015). Disturbance alters beta-diversity but not the relative importance of community assembly mechanisms. Journal of Ecology, 103: 1291-1299.


fire_mob_in = make_mob_in(fire_comm, fire_plot_attr)

MoBiodiv/mobr documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 6:12 a.m.