
# set parameters
ZL_param <- mobloc_param()

# load data
data("ZL_cellplan", "ZL_muni", "ZL_elevation", "ZL_landuse")

# create environment layer (needed to calculate path loss exponent (ple))
ZL_envir <- combine_raster_layers(ZL_landuse, weights = c(1, 1, 1, 0, 0))

# validate cellplan
ZL_cellplan <- validate_cellplan(ZL_cellplan, param = ZL_param, region = ZL_muni,
                                 envir = ZL_envir, elevation = ZL_elevation)

# create raster
ZL_bbox <- sf::st_bbox(c(xmin = 4012000, ymin = 3077000, xmax = 4048000, ymax = 3117000),
                       crs = sf::st_crs(3035))
ZL_raster <- create_raster(ZL_bbox)

# compute the signal strength model
ZL_strength <- compute_sig_strength(cp = ZL_cellplan, raster = ZL_raster,
                                    elevation = ZL_elevation, param = ZL_param)

# create likelihoods
ZL_strength_llh <- create_strength_llh(ZL_strength, param = ZL_param)
ZL_voronoi_llh <- create_voronoi_llh(ZL_cellplan, ZL_raster)

# create priors
ZL_uniform_prior <- create_uniform_prior(ZL_raster)
ZL_network_prior <- create_network_prior(ZL_strength, ZL_raster)
ZL_landuse_prior <- create_prior(ZL_landuse, weights = c(1, 1, .1, 0, .5))
ZL_comp_prior <- create_prior(ZL_network_prior, ZL_landuse_prior, weights = c(.25, .75))

# calculate the mobile phone locations, i.e. the location posterior.
ZL_post <- calculate_posterior(prior = ZL_comp_prior, llh = ZL_strength_llh, raster = ZL_raster)

# update posterior with timing advance (TA).
ZL_post_TA <- update_posterior_TA(ZL_post, ZL_raster, ZL_cellplan, ZL_param, ZL_elevation)

MobilePhoneESSnetBigData/mobloc documentation built on Feb. 18, 2024, 3:41 a.m.