#' @title Generate values for the parameters of the Dirichlet distribution.
#' @description Generate a matrix of values of the parameters \eqn{\alpha_{ij}(t_{0}, t_{n})} of the
#' Dirichlet distribution in the hierarchical model. This function initial works over a fixed
#' initial cell \eqn{i} under study.
#' @param nSim number of values to generate
#' @param flist list with the prior distributions for each cell
#' @return Return a matrix with as many columns as cells and as many rows as number of generated
#' values
#' @details This function generates the \code{nSim} random values according to the prior of each
#' cell specified in \code{flist}.
#' The prior distributions are specified as named lists where the first component of each list must
#' be the name of distribution ('unif', 'triang', 'degen', 'gamma') and the rest of components must
#' be named according to the name of the parameters of the random generator of the corresponding
#' distribution according to:
#' \itemize{
#' \item unif: \code{xMin}, \code{xMax} for the minimum, maximum of the sampled interval.
#' \item degen: \code{x0} for the degenerate value of the random variable.
#' \item triang: \code{xMin}, \code{xMax}, \code{xMode} for minimum, maximum and mode (see
#' \code{\link{qtriang}}).
#' \item gamma: \code{scale} and \code{shape} with the same meaning as in \code{\link{rgamma}}.
#' }
#' @include alphaPrior.R
#' @examples
#' priors <- alphaPrior(c(10, 3, 4), c('unif', 'triang', 'gamma'),
#' list(list(cv = 0.1), list(cv = 0.05), list(cv = 0.15)))
#' genAlpha(10, priors)
#' @export
genAlpha <- function(nSim, flist){
nCells <- length(flist)
if (!is.list(flist)) stop('f must be a list.')
islistofList <- sapply(flist, is.list)
if (!all(islistofList)) stop('Each component of flist must be a list.')
outputAlphaBar <- lapply(seq(along = flist), function(i){
floc <- flist[[i]]
if (floc[[1L]] == 'unif') {
xMin <- floc[['xMin']]
xMax <- floc[['xMax']]
if (abs(xMax - xMin) <= .Machine$double.eps) return(rep(xMax, nSim))
if (xMax <= .Machine$double.eps) return(numeric(nSim))
outlocal <- runif(nSim, xMin, xMax)
if (floc[[1L]] == 'degen'){
u0 <- floc[['x0']]
outlocal <- rep(nSim, u0)
if (floc[[1L]] == 'triang') {
xMin <- floc[['xMin']]
xMax <- floc[['xMax']]
xMode <- floc[['xMode']]
if (abs(xMax - xMin) <= .Machine$double.eps) return(rep(xMax, nSim))
if (xMax <= .Machine$double.eps) return(numeric(nSim))
outlocal <- rtriang(nSim, xMin, xMax, xMode)
if (floc[[1L]] == 'gamma'){
shape <- floc[['shape']]
scale <- floc[['scale']]
outlocal <- rgamma(nSim, shape = shape, scale = scale)
nTotal <- length(flist)
output <- Reduce(cbind, outputAlphaBar)
colnames(output) <- seq(along = flist)
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