
Defines functions tableOfTrees calculateGain

Documented in calculateGain tableOfTrees

#' calculateGain
#' List of trees with pairs of variable and other needed fields
#' @param xgb.model a xgboost or lightgbm model
#' @param data a data table with data used to train the model
#' @return a list
#' @import data.table
#' @keywords internal

# @import stats
# @import utils
calculateGain <- function(xgb.model, data) {

  leaf <- Feature <- Yes <- No <- ID <- parentsGain <- Quality <- parentsCover <-
    Cover <- name_pair <- childsGain <- depth <- parentsName <- NULL

  trees = tableOfTrees(xgb.model, data)
  trees[, leaf := Feature == "Leaf"]
  trees$depth <- 0
  treeList = split(trees, as.factor(trees$Tree))

  for (tree in treeList) {
    num_nodes = nrow(tree)
    non_leaf_rows = which(tree[, leaf] == F)
    for (r in non_leaf_rows) {
      left = tree[r, Yes]
      right = tree[r, No]
      if (tree[ID == left, leaf] == F) {
       # newDepth <- tree[r , depth] + 1
        tree[ID == left,`:=`(parentsGain = tree[r, Quality],
                             parentsCover = tree[r, Cover],
                             name_pair = paste(tree[r, Feature], tree[ID == left, Feature], sep = ":"),
                             childsGain = Quality,
                             depth = tree[r , depth] + 1,
                             parentsName = tree[r, Feature])]
        tree[ID == left, interaction := ((parentsGain < childsGain) & (Feature != parentsName))]

      if (tree[ID == right, leaf]==F) {

        #newDepth <- tree[r , depth] + 1
        tree[ID == right, `:=`(parentsGain = tree[r, Quality],
                               parentsCover = tree[r, Cover],
                               name_pair = paste(tree[r, Feature], tree[ID == right, Feature], sep = ":"),
                               childsGain = Quality,
                               depth = tree[r , depth] + 1,
                               parentsName = tree[r, Feature])]
        tree[ID == right, interaction := ((parentsGain < childsGain) & (Feature != parentsName))]


#' @param model a xgboost or lightgbm model
#' @param data a data table with data used to train the model
#' @return a data table
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom xgboost xgb.model.dt.tree
#' @keywords internal
#  @import lightgbm

tableOfTrees <- function(model, data){
  count <- split_feature <- leaf_count <- internal_count <-
    split_index <- tree_index <- leaf_index <- threshold <-
    leaf_value <- split_gain <- flag <- node_parent <- leaf_parent<-
    Node <- Feature <- . <- Cover <- Yes <- No <- ID <-
    Tree<- Quality <- Missing <-Leaf_old_num<- Split <- NULL

  if(class(model)[1] == "xgb.Booster") {
    return(xgb.model.dt.tree(colnames(data), model)[])
  if (class(model)[1] == "lgb.Booster") {
    lgb.trees <- lightgbm::lgb.model.dt.tree(model)

    lgb.trees <- lgb.trees[, count := ifelse(is.na(split_feature), leaf_count, internal_count)]

    lgb.trees <- lgb.trees[, max := max(split_index, na.rm = TRUE), by = tree_index]

    #UWAGA: nie jest tu istotne rodzaj nierówności, interesuje nas, że ktoś jest rodzicem, a nie, czy idzie w prawo i w lewo, dlatego losowe przypisanie Yes, No

    trees <- lgb.trees[, `:=`(Tree = tree_index,
                              Node = ifelse(is.na(split_index), max + leaf_index + 1, split_index),
                              Feature = ifelse(is.na(split_feature), "Leaf", split_feature),
                              Split = threshold, Missing = NA, Quality = ifelse(is.na(split_feature), leaf_value, split_gain),
                              Cover = (1/4)*count,
    trees[, `:=`(ID = paste(Tree, Node, sep = "-"))]

    trees[, flag := FALSE]
    treeList = split(trees, as.factor(trees$Tree))

    for (tree in treeList) {
      num_nodes = nrow(tree)
      for (i in 1:num_nodes) {
        if (is.na(tree[i, node_parent]) == FALSE) {
          if (tree[Node == tree[i, node_parent] , flag] == FALSE) {
            tree[Node == tree[i, node_parent] , Yes := paste(tree[i, Tree], tree[i, Node], sep = "-")]
            tree[Node == tree[i, node_parent] , flag := TRUE]
          } else{
            tree[Node == tree[i, node_parent] , No := paste(tree[i, Tree], tree[i, Node], sep = "-")]
        if (is.na(tree[i, leaf_parent]) == FALSE) {
          if (tree[Node == tree[i, leaf_parent] , flag] == FALSE) {
            tree[Node == tree[i, leaf_parent] , Yes := paste(tree[i, Tree], tree[i, Node], sep = "-")]
            tree[Node == tree[i, leaf_parent] , flag := TRUE]
          } else{
            tree[Node == tree[i, leaf_parent] , No := paste(tree[i, Tree], tree[i, Node], sep = "-")]
    trees <- rbindlist(treeList)
    trees[, .(Tree, Node, ID, Feature, Split,  Yes, No, Missing,   Quality, Cover)]
    return(trees[, .(Tree, Node, ID, Feature, Split,  Yes, No, Missing,   Quality, Cover,Leaf_old_num)][])
  if (class(model)[1] != "xgb.Booster" || "lgb.Booster") {
    return(cat( "You should choose one of two available models: xgboost, lightgbm \n" ))
ModelOriented/EIX documentation built on Feb. 16, 2021, 10:50 a.m.