Man pages for MolecularPathologyLab/MmCMS
Calling CMS for mouse tissue

cohensKappaCohen's kappa coefficient
corCosinecosine correlation
ematAdjustmatrix row-wise scaling and centering
GO.BP.list_musGO_BP geneset for mouse
MmCMSCMS classification
ntpnearest template prediction
subHeatmapntp heatmap
subSetNAsets NTP results to NA based on p-value cutoff
template.CMS.AMouse CMS template (option A)
template.CMS.BMouse CMS template (option B)
template.CMS.CMouse CMS template (option C)
TestData_gemmExpression profile of GEMMs
MolecularPathologyLab/MmCMS documentation built on Oct. 18, 2023, 10:42 p.m.