
Defines functions ensureRecvDBTables

Documented in ensureRecvDBTables

#' make sure a receiver database has the required tables; also, load
#' custom SQLite extensions on this DB connection.
#' @param src dplyr sqlite src, as returned by \code{dplyr::src_sqlite()}
#' @param recreate vector of table names which should be dropped then re-created,
#' losing any existing data.  Defaults to empty vector, meaning no tables
#' are recreate.  As a special case, TRUE causes all tables to be dropped
#' then recreated.
#' @param serno character scalar receiver serial number; only used when `meta`
#' table is populated
#' @return returns NULL (silently); fails on any error
#' @export
#' @author John Brzustowski \email{jbrzusto@@REMOVE_THIS_PART_fastmail.fm}

ensureRecvDBTables = function(src, recreate=c(), serno) {
    if (! inherits(src, "src"))
        stop("src is not a dplyr::src object")
    con = src$con
    if (! inherits(con, "SQLiteConnection"))
        stop("src is not open or is corrupt; underlying db connection invalid")

    ## function to send a single statement to the underlying connection
    sql = function(...) dbGetQuery(con, sprintf(...))

    sql("pragma page_size=4096") ## reasonably large page size; post 2011 hard drives have 4K sectors anyway

    if (isTRUE(recreate))
        recreate = sgTableNames

    ## load custom extensions
    sql("select load_extension('%s')",  system.file(paste0("libs/Sqlite_Compression_Extension", .Platform$dynlib.ext), package="motusServer"))

    for (t in recreate)
        sql("drop table %s", t)

    tables = src_tbls(src)

    if (all(sgTableNames %in% tables))

    if (! "meta" %in% tables) {
create table meta (
key  character not null primary key,        -- name of key for meta data
val  character                              -- character string giving meta data; might be in JSON format
    if (sql("select count(*) from meta")[[1]] == 0 && ! missing(serno)) {
        meta = getMap(src)
        meta$dbType = "receiver" ## indicate this is a receiver database (vs. a tagProject database)
        meta$recvSerno = serno
        meta$recvType = getRecvType(serno, lotekModel=FALSE)
        meta$recvModel = getRecvModel(serno)
        meta$fileRepo = file.path(MOTUS_PATH$FILE_REPO, serno)

    if (! "files" %in% tables) {
create table files (
fileID   integer not null primary key, -- file ID - used in most data tables
name     text unique not null,         -- name of file (basename only; no path, no compression extension)
size     integer not null,             -- size of uncompressed file contents
bootnum  integer not null,             -- boot number: number of times SG was booted before this file was recorded
monoBN   integer not null,             -- monotonic boot number: corrects issues with bn for BB white receivers, e.g.
ts       double not null,              -- timestamp from filename (time at which file was created)
tscode   character(1),                 -- timestamp code: 'P'=prior to GPS fix; 'Z' = after GPS fix
tsDB     double,                       -- timestamp when file was read into this database
isDone   integer,                      -- if non-zero, this was a complete, valid compressed file, so will never be updated.
motusJobID integer                     -- job whose processing added/updated this file.

        sql("create index files_name on files ( name )")
        sql("create index files_bootnum on files ( monoBN )")
        sql("create index files_ts on files ( ts )")
        sql("create index files_all on files ( monoBN, ts )")

    if (! "fileContents" %in% tables) {
create table fileContents (
fileID   integer not null primary key references files, -- file ID - used in most data tables
contents BLOB                                           -- contents of file; bzip2-compressed text contents of file

    if (! "DTAfiles" %in% tables) {
create table DTAfiles (
fileID   integer not null primary key,             -- file ID - used in most data tables
name     text,                                     -- name of file (no path, but extension preserved)
size     integer,                                  -- size of uncompressed file contents
tsBegin  double,                                   -- earliest timestamp in file
tsEnd    double,                                   -- latest timestamp in file
tsDB     double,                                   -- timestamp when file was read into this database
hash     text unique,                              -- because Lotek filenames are arbitrary and user-created,
                                                   -- we ensure uniqueness in the DB via SHA-512 hash of uncompressed contents
contents BLOB,                                     -- null; obsolete: see https://github.com/jbrzusto/motusServer/issues/414
motusJobID integer                                 -- job whose processing added/updated this file.

        sql("create index DTAfiles_hash on DTAfiles ( hash )")
        sql("create index DTAfiles_tsBegin on DTAfiles ( tsBegin )")

    ## parsed contents of DTA files are stored in a separate table

    if (! "DTAtags" %in% tables) {
create table DTAtags (
fileID   integer not null references DTAfiles,     -- ID of DTA file this record came from
dtaline  integer not null,                         -- index of line in .DTA file this detection is from (starting from 1)
ts       double,                                   -- timestamp of detection
id       integer,                                  -- Lotek tag ID (for given codeset)
ant      text,                                     -- code of antenna on which detected
sig      integer,                                  -- signal value
lat      double,                                   -- latitude of detection, in decimal degrees N (so -ve means S)
lon      double,                                   -- longitude of detection, in decimal degrees E (so -ve means W)
antFreq  double,                                   -- antenna frequency, in MHz
gain     int,                                      -- antenna gain in Lotek units
codeSet  text,                                     -- codeset of tag ('Lotek3', 'Lotek4' or 'Lotek6M')
primary key(ts, ant, id)                          -- no more than one detection of each ID at given time, ant

        sql("create index DTAtags_ts on DTAtags ( ts )")

    if (! "DTAboot" %in% tables) {
create table DTAboot (
ts       integer not null unique primary key,      -- boot time; seconds since unix epoch
relboot  integer,                                  -- relative boot number; 1 + count of smaller boot times
fileID   integer                                   -- ID of file where this boot record came from

        sql("create index DTAboot_relboot on DTAboot ( relboot )")

    ## A table of corrections applied to timestamps, e.g. for periods
    ## when chrony has not updated the SG system clock from the GPS (or
    ## for when this fails entirely).  Each record indicates a block
    ## of corrected times during a particular boot session, the amount
    ## by which they were corrected, and a code for the reason.
    ## When the tag finder is run, these corrections are applied to the
    ## ts field in the hits table, as well as to the tsBegin and tsEnd
    ## fields of the batches table.

    if (! "timeFixes" %in% tables) {
create table timeFixes (
monoBN  integer,       -- boot session during which fixes were made
tsLow double,          -- low endpoint of timestamps before correction
tsHigh double,         -- high endpoint of timestamps before correction
fixedBy double,        -- amount which was added to uncorrected timestamps to obtain corrected ones, in seconds.
error double,          -- upper bound on magnitude of error of timestamps, after correction
comment text           -- method and reason for fixing; e.g. 'M' for monotonic clock fix; 'S' for setting clock from GPS

    if (! "gps" %in% tables) {
create table gps (
ts      double primary key,                  -- system timestamp for this record
batchID INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES batches, -- batch from which this fix came
gpsts   double,                              -- gps timestamp
lat     double,                              -- latitude, decimal degrees
lon     double,                              -- longitude, decimal degrees
alt     double                               -- altitude, metres

        sql("create index gps_batchID on gps ( batchID )")
        sql("create index gps_ts on gps ( ts )")


    if (! "params" %in% tables) {
        sql( "
batchID INTEGER,      -- batchID this setting is from
ts      FLOAT(53),    -- timestamp for this record
ant     INTEGER,      -- hub port for which device setting applies
param   VARCHAR,      -- parameter name
val     FLOAT(53),    -- parameter setting
error   INTEGER,      -- 0 if parameter setting succeeded; error code otherwise
errinfo VARCHAR       -- non-empty if error code non-zero
        sql("CREATE INDEX params_ts ON params ( ts )")
        sql("CREATE INDEX params_batchID ON params ( batchID )")

    if (! "pulses" %in% tables) {
        ## pulses table; only populated for batches where find_tags_motus
        ## is run with `--pulses_only` option
        ## Meant as an interim data product for beeper tags.

   batchID INTEGER,    -- batchID these pulses belong to
   ts      FLOAT(53),  -- timestamp of pulse
   ant     INTEGER,    -- antenna number
   antFreq FLOAT(53),  -- antenna tuner frequency (MHz)
   dfreq   FLOAT(53),  -- frequency offset of pulse (kHz)
   sig     FLOAT,      -- relative signal strength (dB max)
   noise   FLOAT       -- relative noise level (dB max)
        sql("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS pulses_ts ON pulses(ts)")
        sql("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS pulses_batchID ON pulses(batchID)")

    if (! "pulseCounts" %in% tables) {
create table pulseCounts (
batchID integer NOT NULL REFERENCES batches, -- batchID that generated this record
ant TINYINT NOT NULL,                        -- antenna
hourBin integer,                             -- hour bin for this count; this is round(ts/3600)
count   integer,                             -- number of pulses for given pcode in this file
PRIMARY KEY (batchID, ant, hourBin)          -- a single count for each batchID, antenna, and hourBin

    if (! "batches" %in% tables) {
CREATE TABLE batches (
    batchID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,              -- unique identifier for this batch
    motusDeviceID INTEGER,                    -- motus ID of this receiver (NULL means not yet
                                              -- registered or not yet looked-up)  In a receiver
                                              -- database, this will be a constant column, but
                                              -- that way it has the same schema as in the master
                                              -- database.
    monoBN INT,                               -- boot number for this receiver; (NULL
                                              -- okay; e.g. Lotek)
    tsStart FLOAT(53),                        -- timestamp for start of period
                                              -- covered by batch; unix-style:
                                              -- seconds since 1 Jan 1970 GMT
    tsEnd FLOAT(53),                          -- timestamp for end of period
                                              -- covered by batch; unix-style:
                                              -- seconds since 1 Jan 1970 GMT
    numHits BIGINT,                           -- count of hits in this batch
    ts FLOAT(53),                             -- timestamp when this batch record was
                                              -- added; unix-style: seconds since 1
                                              -- Jan 1970 GMT
    motusUserID INT,                          -- user who uploaded the data leading to this batch
    motusProjectID INT,                       -- user-selected motus project ID for this batch
    motusJobID INT                            -- job whose processing generated this batch

    if ("batchAmbig" %in% tables) {
        ## remove obsolete batchAmbig table
        sql("DROP TABLE batchAmbig");

    if (! "tagAmbig" %in% tables) {
    ambigID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,  -- identifier of group of tags which are ambiguous (identical); will be negative
    masterAmbigID INTEGER,                 -- master ID of this ambiguity group, once different receivers have been combined
    motusTagID1 INT NOT NULL,              -- motus ID of tag in group (not null because there have to be at least 2)
    motusTagID2 INT NOT NULL,              -- motus ID of tag in group.(not null because there have to be at least 2)
    motusTagID3 INT,                       -- motus ID of tag in group.
    motusTagID4 INT,                       -- motus ID of tag in group.
    motusTagID5 INT,                       -- motus ID of tag in group.
    motusTagID6 INT                        -- motus ID of tag in group.
        sql( "create unique index tagAmbig_motusTagID on tagAmbig(motusTagID1, motusTagID2, motusTagID3, motusTagID4, motusTagID5, motusTagID6)")

    if (! "runs" %in% tables) {
    runID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,                        -- identifier of run; unique for this receiver
    batchIDbegin INT NOT NULL,                        -- ID of batch this run begins in
    tsBegin FLOAT(53),                                -- timestamp of first detection in run
    tsEnd  FLOAT(53),                                 -- timestamp of last detection in run (so far)
    done TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,                  -- is run finished? 0 if no, 1 if yes.
    motusTagID INT NOT NULL,                          -- ID for the tag detected; foreign key to Motus DB
                                                      -- table
    ant TINYINT NOT NULL,                             -- antenna number (USB Hub port # for SG; antenna port
                                                      -- # for Lotek); 11 means Lotek master antenna 'A1+A2+A3+A4'
    len INT                                           -- length of run within batch

        sql("CREATE INDEX runs_batchIDbegin on runs(batchIDbegin)")
    if (! "batchRuns" %in% tables) {
    batchID INT NOT NULL REFERENCES batches,  -- batch ID
    runID BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES runs,     -- run ID
    PRIMARY KEY (batchID, runID)              -- only one update per run per batch
       sql("CREATE INDEX batchRuns_batchID ON batchRuns(batchID)")
       sql("CREATE INDEX batchRuns_runID ON batchRuns(runID)")

    if (! "hits" %in% tables) {
    hitID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,                     -- unique ID of this hit
    runID INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES runs,        -- ID of run this hit belongs to
    batchID INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES batches,   -- ID of batch this hit belongs to
    ts FLOAT(53) NOT NULL,                         -- timestamp (centre of first pulse in detection);
                                                   -- unix-style: seconds since 1 Jan 1970 GMT
    sig FLOAT(24) NOT NULL,                        -- signal strength, in units appropriate to device;
                                                   -- e.g.; for SG/funcube; dB (max); for Lotek: raw
                                                   -- integer in range 0..255
    sigSD FLOAT(24),                               -- standard deviation of signal strength, in device
                                                   -- units (NULL okay; e.g. Lotek)
    noise FLOAT(24),                               -- noise level, in device units (NULL okay; e.g. Lotek)
    freq FLOAT(24),                                -- frequency offset, in kHz (NULL okay; e.g. Lotek)
    freqSD FLOAT(24),                              -- standard deviation of freq, in kHz (NULL okay;
                                                   -- e.g. Lotek)
    slop FLOAT(24),                                -- discrepancy of pulse timing, in msec (NULL okay;
                                                   -- e.g. Lotek)
    burstSlop FLOAT (24)                           -- discrepancy of burst timing, in msec (NULL okay;
                                                   -- e.g. Lotek)
        sql("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS hits_batchID_ts on hits(batchID, ts)")

    if (! "batchProgs" %in% tables) {
-- This table only records changes to progVersion, or progBuildTS by batchID.
-- It is assumed batchIDs are chronological, and that any change applies to all
-- batches after a given record.
CREATE TABLE batchProgs (
    batchID INT NOT NULL references batches, -- which batch run this record refers to
    progName VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,           -- identifier of program; e.g. 'find_tags',
                                             -- 'lotek-plugins.so'
    progVersion CHAR(40) NOT NULL,           -- git commit hash for version of code used
    progBuildTS FLOAT(53) NOT NULL,          -- timestamp of binary for this program; unix-style:
                                             -- seconds since 1 Jan 1970 GMT; NULL means not
                                             -- transferred
    PRIMARY KEY (batchID, progName)          -- only one version of a given program per batch
    if (! "batchParams" %in% tables) {
CREATE TABLE batchParams (
-- This table only records changes to parameters by batchID.
-- The value of a parameter used to run batch X is the value in this table from
-- the record with the largest batchID not exceeding X.
-- i.e. it is assumed batchIDs are chronological, and that any change applies to all
-- batches after a given record.
    batchID INT NOT NULL references batches,   -- which batch run this parameter setting is for
    progName VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,             -- identifier of program; e.g. 'find_tags',
                                               -- 'lotek-plugins.so'
    paramName varchar(16) NOT NULL,            -- name of parameter (e.g. 'minFreq')
    paramVal TEXT NOT NULL,                    -- value of parameter
    PRIMARY KEY (batchID, progName, paramName) -- only one value of a given parameter per program per batch

    if (! "batchState" %in% tables) {
CREATE TABLE batchState (
-- This table records the state of a program used when it last finished running; this
-- can be used to resume it when new data arrive.
    batchID INT NOT NULL references batches,      -- ID of batch which was being processed when program paused
    progName VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,                -- identifier of program; e.g. 'find_tags',
                                                  -- 'lotek-plugins.so'
    monoBN INT NOT NULL,                          -- montonic boot count of last batch
    tsData FLOAT(53),                             -- timestamp (seconds since unix epoch) of last processed line in previous input
    tsRun FLOAT(53),                              -- timestamp (seconds since unix epoch) when program was paused
    state  BLOB,                                  -- serialized state of program, if needed
    version INT,                                  -- serialization version (MAJOR << 16 | MINOR)

    PRIMARY KEY (monoBN, progName)                -- only one saved state per program per boot session

    if (! "motusTX" %in% tables) {
-- This table records the state of data transfers to motus, possibly via
-- transfer tables on discovery.acadiau.ca
-- Transfers occur in batch;
-- for one batchID, the records from these tables are transferred:
--  - batches
--  - runs (matching batchIDbegin)
--  - hits
--  - gps
--  - batchProg
--  - batchParam
--  - batchState
-- Any entries in runs which have batchIDbegin < batchIDend and for which
-- batchIDend is the current batchID also generate entries in runUpdates,
-- to close runs which have ended.
-- Many key fields must be mapped to new ones in pushing data to motus,
-- since data from different receivers will collide.  So when pushing data,
-- we request blocks of consecutive new keys in each destination table,
-- so that the map between receiver keys and motus keys is a simple offset.
-- (motusKey = receiverKey + OFFSET), where OFFSET will be a different value
-- for each table.  These OFFSETS are stored to permit mapping back from
-- motus key values to receiver tables.

-- can be used to resume it when new data arrive.
    batchID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY references batches, -- ID of batch which was transferred
    tsMotus FLOAT(53),                                   -- timestamp when batch transferred
    offsetBatchID BIGINT,                                -- value added to receiver batchID field to get motus batchID field
    offsetRunID BIGINT,                                  -- value added to receiver runID field to get motus runID field for runs starting in this batch
    offsetHitID BIGINT                                   -- value added to receiver hitID field to get motus hitID field for hits in this batch
    if (! "bootnumChanges" %in% tables) {
CREATE TABLE bootnumChanges (
-- This table records changes to the monoBN field of records in the `files` table.
    changeID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,                   -- ID of this monoBN change
    batchID INT NOT NULL references batches,             -- ID of batch in which change was made
    fileID INT NOT NULL,                                 -- file for which monoBN changed
    oldMonoBN INT NOT NULL,                              -- previous value of monoBN (before change)
    newMonoBN INT NOT NULL                               -- new value of monoBN (after change)

    if (! "batchFiles" %in% tables) {
CREATE TABLE batchFiles (
-- Records which files were read for a run of the tag finder
    PRIMARY KEY (batchID, fileID)

## list of tables needed in the receiver database

sgTableNames = c("meta", "files", "fileContents", "timeFixes", "GPS", "params", "pulses", "pulseCounts", "batches",
                 "runs", "hits", "batchProgs", "batchParams", "batchState", "tagAmbig", "DTAfiles",
                 "DTAtags", "motusTX", "bootnumChanges", "batchFiles")
MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.