
Defines functions handleSGfiles

Documented in handleSGfiles

#' handle a folder of files from one or more sensorgnomes
#' Called by \code{\link{processServer}} for files from a sensorgnome
#' @details For each unique SG serial number found among the names of
#'     the incoming files, queue a subjob for each boot session having
#'     data files.
#' @param j the job with these item(s):
#' \itemize{
#'    \item filePath; path to files to be merged; if NULL, defaults to \code{jobPath(j)}
#' }
#' @return TRUE
#' @note if \code{topJob(j)$mergeOnly)} is TRUE, then only merge files
#' into receiver databases; don't run the tag finder.
#' @seealso \link{\code{processServer}}
#' @export
#' @author John Brzustowski \email{jbrzusto@@REMOVE_THIS_PART_fastmail.fm}

handleSGfiles = function(j) {
    path = j$filePath
    if (is.null(path))
        path = jobPath(j)

    r = sgMergeFiles(path, topJob(j))

    if (isTRUE(topJob(j)$mergeOnly > 0))

    info = r$info

    ## TODO: (perhaps) if there were any files for which we were able to
    ## determine serial number but not boot session, fix those if possible

    ## log any uncorrected 8.3 names
    bad = which(is.na(info$serno))

    if (length(bad)) {
        jobLog(j, paste0("Ignoring files for which I can't determine the receiver:\n",
                         paste("   ", basename(info$name[bad]), "\n", collapse="")))
        info = info[- bad, ]

    bad = which(info$monoBN == 0)

    if (length(bad)) {
        jobLog(j, paste0("Ignoring files for which I can't determine the boot session:\n",
                         paste("   ", basename(info$name[bad]), "\n", collapse="")))
        info = info[- bad, ]

    ## function to queue a run of a receiver boot session, and export of its data

    nsj = 0

    queueFindtags = function(f) {

        newSubJob(j, "SGfindtags",
                  serno = f$serno[1],
                  monoBN = f$monoBN[1],
                  canResume = isTRUE(r$resumable[paste(f$serno[1], f$monoBN[1])][[1]])
        nsj <<- nsj + 1

    ## queue runs of all receiver boot sessions with new data

    info %>%
        filter(use > 0) %>%
        arrange(serno, monoBN, ts) %>%
        group_by(serno, monoBN) %>%
        do (ignore=queueFindtags(.))

    jobLog(j, paste0("Will run tag finder on ", nsj, " receiver boot sessions"), summary=TRUE)

    ## function to queue an export of new data

    queueExport = function(f) {
        newSubJob(j, "exportData", serno = f$serno[1])
        newSubJob(j, "plotData", serno = f$serno[1],
                  monoBN = range(f$monoBN))

    ## queue export of data from receivers where some are new
    ## N.B. we do this only once per receiver, since handleExportData()
    ## looks for and exports all new batches from that receiver.

    info %>%
        filter(use > 0) %>%
        group_by(serno) %>%
        do (ignore=queueExport(.))

    if (! any(info$use > 0)) {
        jobLog(j, "There were no new files in the dataset, so I didn't do anything.", summary=TRUE)
    } else {
        jobLog(j, "\nThere is a delay between the time this job finishes and the time when the newly processed data appears on the website and is available through the R package, which varies depending on how much data has been processed recently. Typical delays are ~20 minutes, but can be several hours (or more) if a lot of other processing is going on. Also, please note that detections on the website are filtered, so you may not be able to see every detection there. Unfiltered data is available through the Motus R package. (See https://motus.org/MotusRBook/)", summary=TRUE)

MotusWTS/motusServer documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 10:23 p.m.