standardVariables: standardVariables

standardVariablesR Documentation



Standard set of variables, usually used in a call to getNetCDF


standardVariables(list = NULL, SRC = "NCAR")



An optional list of variable names to add to the standard list


An indicator of which institution's list should be used. Default is 'NCAR'; other choices are 'UWYO' and 'FAAM'.


Sets a standard list of variable names in VarList suitable for use in a call to getNetCDF. Optionally, add "list" to the variables. The standard variables are ATX, DPXC, EWX, GGALT, LATC, LONC, MACHX, MR, PALT, PSXC, QCXC, TASX, WDC, WSC, WIC. For NCAR/RAF-produced aircraft-data files, these variables are respectively the air temperature (degC), dew-point temperature (degC), aircraft altitude (m), aircraft latitude (deg N), aircraft longitude (deg. E), Mach Number, mixing ratio (g/kg), pressure altitude (m), ambient pressure (hPa), dynamic pressure (hPa), true airspeed (m/s), wind direction (degrees relative to true north), wind speed (m/s), and vertical wind (m/s). For additional information on these and other variables used in those data archives, see the document ProcessingAlgorithms.pdf with link in the github Wiki for this R package.


A character vector containing a standard set of variable names, with additions as specified in "list". For NCAR the standard set is ATX, DPXC, EWX, GGALT, LATC, LONC, MACHX, MR, PALT, PSXC, QCXC, TASX, WDC, WSC, WIC.


William Cooper


standardVariables (c("VEW", "PLWCC"))

NCAR/Ranadu documentation built on Jan. 27, 2023, 1:09 a.m.