
#' @title MixingRatio
#' @description Calculate the mixing ratio of water vapor
#' @details The dimensionless mixing ratio of water vapor is calculated from the ratio of 
#' water vapor pressure to total pressure. CAVEAT: Note the units below (dimensionless, not g/kg).
#' @aliases MixingRatio 
#' @author William Cooper
#' @export MixingRatio
#' @param EoverP A numeric representing the ratio of water vapor pressure to total pressure.
#' @return A numeric representing the mixing ratio in dimensionless units (*NOT* g/kg)
#' @examples 
#' MR <- MixingRatio (3./800.)
#' MR <- MixingRatio (RAFdata$EWX / RAFdata$PSXC)
MixingRatio <- function (EoverP) {
# Mixing ratio (E/P); returns the
# dimensionless mixing ratio, *NOT* g/kg
  return ((StandardConstant ("MWW") / StandardConstant ("MWD")) * (EoverP / (1 - EoverP)))
NCAR/Ranadu documentation built on Jan. 27, 2023, 1:09 a.m.