
#' @title Rmutate
#' @description Given a RANADU-convention data.frame or tibble, this function
#' adds variables as specified by equations in the second argument. The remainder
#' of the data.frame is preserved, with attributes. Note that the new variables
#' do not have attributes, even the "Dimension" attribute, so the modified
#' data.frame will not be accepted by some functions, notably makeNetCDF(),
#' unless the required attributes are added. 
#' @details The function uses the routine dplyr::mutate but after calling
#' that routine it transfers data.frame and variable attributes to the
#' resulting data.frame. This is suitable for use in pipes like
#' D %>% Rmutate(DPD=ATX-DPXC) $>$ select(Time, ATX) %>% plotWAC()
#' @aliases Rmutate, rmutate
#' @author William Cooper
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @export Rmutate
#' @param .d A data.frame or tibble that follows RANADU conventions. It normally
#' should contain a POSIXCT-format variable named "Time" and any variables
#' needed for the calculation of the new variable.
#' @param ... A set of definitions that will be used to construct new variables.
#' For example, DPD=ATX-DPXC, WICby2=WIC/2
#' @return A new data.frame or tibble with the new variables included.
#' @example DS <- Rmutate(RAFdata, DPD = ATX - DPXC)
Rmutate <- function (.d, ...) {
  dt <- dplyr::mutate(.d, ...)
  return (transferAttributes(.d, dt))
NCAR/Ranadu documentation built on Jan. 27, 2023, 1:09 a.m.