Man pages for NCBI-Hackathons/HLAClustRView
HLA typing clustering and visualization based on specific similarity metrics

calculateHammingCalculate Hamming distance between all samples
demoHLADatasetThe HLA typing information from multiple samples stored in a...
draw_dendrogramDraw dendrogram
draw_heatmapDraw sample-to-sample heatmap
example_sample_pair_dataThis dataset contains the allele information for HLA genes in...
extractRefProcess the line contening the reference sequence
extractSeqProcess the line containing the alignment to the reference
extractTypingExtract the HLA typing string from one line of aligment
getIncompleteTypingPosGet the position in the HLA table of the corresponding HLA...
getSeqCMPGet the subsequences from 2 allele types from the same HLA...
getSubSeqGet the subsequence
getTypingPosGet the position in the HLA table of the corresponding HLA...
hamming_distance_digit1Compute the Hamming distance between two samples
hclustHLAHierarchical clustering using a HLA typing similarity metric
HLAClustRView-packageHLAClustRView: HLA typing clustering and visualization based...
HLADatasetPrint a 'HLADataset' object
hladb_protein_3.35.0This dataset contains the protein information from the HLA...
HLAMetricPrint a 'HLAMetric' object
loadHLADbload HLA Database alignment files for a specific alignment...
makeDistanceMatrixConvert distance table to distance matrix
parseAlignmentPre-process HLA Database alignment file
parse_hla_datasetConvert data.frame with HLA typing information to tibble...
parseHLADbAlignmentParse HLA Database alignment files for a specific alignment...
parseSubMatrixload matrix of substitution
readHLADatasetExtract HLA typing information for all samples present in a...
reduceTypingPosVerify if all the sequence are the same for the typing...
sample_pair_distanceSample Pair Distance
splitTypingSplit a HLA allele name into a matrix of fields
NCBI-Hackathons/HLAClustRView documentation built on Nov. 22, 2019, 6:11 a.m.