
Defines functions df_2_impala

Documented in df_2_impala

#' Create or append Impala/Hive tables from HDFS folder (all files must have the same structure).
#' @param hdfsUri , url of platform
#' @param dirUri , directory of interest
#' @param db_name , database name
#' @param tab_name , name of the table to be created
#' @param id , identification credential
#' @param pw , password credential
#' @param host , url of impala/hive service
#' @param port , hive or impala port
#' @param delim , optionnal argument for the delimiter of the file. Default to ',' .
#' @return nada , allows impala/hive table creation from 1 folder with csv(s) to Impala (creation, append)
#' @export
#' @importFrom httr PUT
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom DBI dbGetQuery dbDisconnect dbSendQuery dbClearResult dbQuoteIdentifier
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext

df_2_impala <- function(hdfsUri, dirUri, db_name, tab_name, id, pw, host, port, delim = ",") {

        conn <- connect_init(id = id, pw = pw, host = host, port = port) # ptools::connect_init

        res <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, paste0("SHOW TABLES in ", db_name," LIKE '", tab_name, "'"))
        res <- nrow(res) > 0

        if(res == TRUE){
                cat("Update of table", tab_name,"\n")
                res <- DBI::dbSendQuery(conn, "invalidate metadata ;")

                # Go inside directory and list csv files
                flist_name <- list_files(hdfsUri = hdfsUri, dirUri = dirUri)
                file_name <- flist_name[1]

                # fetch file
                data_raw <- data.table::fread(paste0(hdfsUri, dirUri, file_name, "?op=OPEN"))

                # ===== Create Impala table
                classes <- sapply(data_raw, class) # Classes de l'objet en R
                classes_impala <- c(character = 'STRING', numeric = 'DOUBLE', integer = 'INTEGER', logical="BOOLEAN")
                classes_to_write <- classes_impala[classes] # Mapping Impala classes to R object

                cat("Classes detected :", unique(classes_to_write), "\n")

                # cleaning the names for compatibility
                names(data_raw) <- stringr::str_replace_all(string = names(data_raw), pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_")
                # names(data_raw) <- stringr::str_remove_all(string = names(data_raw), pattern = [[:punct:]])

                # Adding quote ids in case of key word used
                df_names <- dbQuoteIdentifier(conn, names(data_raw)) # Ajout des quotes `` aux noms des colonnes
                variables_types <- paste(df_names, classes_to_write, collapse = ', ') # Partie de la requĂȘte pour les noms et types

                instruction <- "CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " ;

                row_format <- paste0(" row format delimited fields terminated by '", delim, "' ") ;
                source_format <- "stored as textfile location " ; #
                source_location <- dirUri # paste0("/", fileUri) ;
                tblproperties <- " tblproperties('skip.header.line.count'='1') ; "

                # ===== Writtin' complete query
                createRequest <- paste0(instruction,
                                        db_name, ".", tab_name,
                                        " (", variables_types, ")",
                                        "'", source_location, "'",

                cat("Creation of table", tab_name,"\n")
                res <- DBI::dbSendQuery(conn, createRequest) # Execute query

                res <- DBI::dbSendQuery(conn, "invalidate metadata ;")

        } # else

        cat("End creation of table", dirUri, "\n")


} # df_2_impala
ND-open/ptools documentation built on July 9, 2019, 10:55 p.m.