# Default survey configuration here has a range of efficiencies and selectivities
# To emulate a range of species in a single multispecies survey
# Also now happens in "spring" and "fall"
# Need to define survey season, area, efficiency, selectivity
# Survey name
#Atlantis model timestep corresponding to the true output--now from census_spec.R
timestep <- stepperyr #5
#Which atlantis timestep does the survey run in?--now from census_spec.R
# with 5 output steps per year, 0 is Jan-Feb-midMar, 1 is midMar-Apr-May,
# 2 is June-July-midAug, 3 is midAug-Sept-Oct, 4 is Nov-Dec (ish)
survey_sample_time <- 1 # spring survey
#The last timestep to sample
total_sample <- noutsteps-1 #495
#Vector of indices of survey times to pull
survey_sample_full <- seq(survey_sample_time,
total_sample, by=timestep)
survtime <- survey_sample_full
# survey area
# should return all model areas
# survboxes <- allboxes
# shelf boxes excluding farthest east Barents
survboxes <- c(1:8, 21, 23:31, 33, 39:44, 47:49)
# survey efficiency (q)
# should return a perfectly efficient survey
# surveffic <- data.frame(species=survspp,
# efficiency=rep(1.0,length(survspp)))
# group species to apply different efficiency (all NOBA fish and shark groups)
nontrawl <- c("Sharks_other", "Pelagic_large","Mesop_fish")
pelagics <- c("Pelagic_small","Redfish_other","Mackerel","Haddock",
demersals <- c("Demersals_other","Demersal_large","Flatfish_other","Skates_rays",
selflats <- c("Long_rough_dab")
# define bottom trawl mixed efficiency
ef.nt <- 0.01 # for large pelagics, reef dwellers, others not in trawlable habitat
ef.pl <- 0.2 # for pelagics
ef.dm <- 0.7 # for demersals
ef.fl <- 1.1 # for selected flatfish
# bottom trawl survey efficiency specification by species group
effnontrawl <- data.frame(species=nontrawl, efficiency=rep(ef.nt,length(nontrawl)))
effpelagics <- data.frame(species=pelagics, efficiency=rep(ef.pl,length(pelagics)))
effdemersals <- data.frame(species=demersals, efficiency=rep(ef.dm,length(demersals)))
effselflats <- data.frame(species=selflats, efficiency=rep(ef.fl,length(selflats)))
efficmix <- dplyr::bind_rows(effnontrawl, effpelagics, effdemersals, effselflats)
surveffic <- efficmix %>%
dplyr::filter(species %in% survspp)
# survey selectivity (true age based, flat)
# for annage output uses names(annages) NOT alphabetical survspp
survselex <- data.frame(species=rep(names(annages), n_annages), #
# mixed selectivity: specify for annual ages 0-10 to
# then apply that curve to agecl keeping every nth selectivity index n=NumAgeClassSize
# ageclsel <- fullsel[seq(NumAgeClassSize, n_annages, length.out=NumCohorts)]
# flat=1 for large pelagics, reef dwellers, others not in trawlable habitat
# sigmoid 0 to 1 with 0.5 inflection ~ age 3 for pelagics, reaching 1 at age 5, flat top
# sigmoid 0 to 1 with 0.5 inflection ~ age 5 for most demersals and flatfish, reaching 1 at age 7, flat top
# dome shaped 0 to 1 at agecl 6&7 for selected demersals, falling off to 0.7 by agecl 10--didn't do
sigmoid <- function(a,b,x) {
1 / (1 + exp(-a-b*x))
sp_age <- sp_age %>%
dplyr::mutate(n_annages = NumCohorts * NumAgeClassSize)
# survey selectivity specification for true ages 1-10 by species group--replace for each group in surselex
selnontrawl <- data.frame(species=rep(nontrawl, each=10),
selpelagics <- data.frame(species=rep(pelagics, each=10),
seldemersals <- data.frame(species=rep(demersals, each=10),
selselflats <- data.frame(species=rep(selflats, each=10),
selexmix <- dplyr::bind_rows(selnontrawl, selpelagics, seldemersals, selselflats)
selexmix <- selexmix %>%
dplyr::filter(species %in% survspp) %>%
dplyr::rename(selex10 = selex)
survselex <- merge(survselex, selexmix, all = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::filter(!is.na(selex)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(selex = dplyr::case_when(!is.na(selex10) ~ selex10,
is.na(selex10) ~ selex)) %>%
# now apply this for agecl selectivity that matches
# and figure out how to use in wrapper!
#ageclsel <- fullsel[seq(NumAgeClassSize, n_annages, length.out=NumCohorts)]
survselex.agecl <- survselex %>% dplyr::left_join(sp_age, by=c("species"="Name")) %>%
dplyr::group_by(species) %>%
dplyr::filter(agecl %in% seq(unique(NumAgeClassSize),
length.out=unique(NumCohorts))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(agecl = agecl/unique(NumAgeClassSize)) %>%
dplyr::select(species, agecl, selex)
# effective sample size needed for sample_fish
# this is the number of *lengths* per species that are measured on a survey
# effective N of 100000 with no age subsample matches true age comp
surveffN <- data.frame(species=survspp, effN=rep(10000, length(survspp)))
# survey index cv needed for sample_survey_xxx
# cv = 0.1
# surv_cv <- data.frame(species=survspp, cv=rep(0.1,length(survspp)))
# use this constant 0 cv for testing
surv_cv_0 <- data.frame(species=survspp, cv=rep(0.0,length(survspp)))
# define bottom trawl survey cv by group
cv.nt <- 1.0 # for large pelagics, reef dwellers, others not in trawlable habitat
cv.pl <- 0.4 # for pelagics
cv.dm <- 0.2 # for demersals
cv.fl <- 0.2 # for selected flatfish
# specify cv by species groups
surv_cv_nontrawl <- data.frame(species=nontrawl, cv=rep(cv.nt,length(nontrawl)))
surv_cv_pelagics <- data.frame(species=pelagics, cv=rep(cv.pl,length(pelagics)))
surv_cv_demersals <- data.frame(species=demersals, cv=rep(cv.dm,length(demersals)))
surv_cv_selflats <- data.frame(species=selflats, cv=rep(cv.fl,length(selflats)))
surv_cv_mix <- dplyr::bind_rows(surv_cv_nontrawl, surv_cv_pelagics, surv_cv_demersals, surv_cv_selflats)
surv_cv <- surv_cv_mix %>%
dplyr::filter(species %in% survspp)
# length at age cv for input into calc_age2length function
# function designed to take one cv for all species, need to change to pass it a vector
lenage_cv <- 0.1
# max size bin for length estimation, function defaults to 150 cm if not supplied
maxbin <- 200
# diet sampling parameters
alphamult <- 10
unidprey <- 0.3
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