# Functions related to the initial exploration of the dataset
plot_norway <- function() {
# Function to plot the shape file of Norway.
# This comes from Lena
#load KlausKart in R
newproj <- "+proj=utm +zone=33 +north +units=m"
ftext <- "//nve/fil/h/HM/Interne Prosjekter/Flomkart/Model_fitting/Florian/Data/GIS/norge.shp"
shape <- readShapeSpatial(ftext, proj4string = CRS(newproj), repair = TRUE, force_ring = T, verbose = TRUE)
ogrInfo(dsn = ftext, layer = "norge")
temp <- readOGR(ftext, layer = "norge")
x_min <- min(summary(temp)$bbox[1])
x_max <- max(summary(temp)$bbox[3])
y_min <- min(summary(temp)$bbox[2])
y_max <- max(summary(temp)$bbox[4])
#plot norway map
plot(temp, border = "grey", axes = FALSE, xlim = c(x_min, x_max), ylim = c(y_min, y_max),
asp = 1, cex.main = 1.5) #col="",
plot_all_stations <- function(dat, station.nb.vect, distr = "distr", method = "method") {
# Loop to plot all stations with a dot.
# Calls the function "plot_station" to calculate the size and color of the dot based on a some metric
utminfo <- read.table("//nve/fil/h/HM/Interne Prosjekter/Flomkart/Model_fitting/Florian/Data/Coordinater for kart_for_R.txt", sep = "\t", header = T)
titel = "Map of Norway"
for (i in seq(along = station.nb.vect)) {
sdat <- sdat_load(dat, station.nb.vect[i])
if (is.null(sdat) == FALSE) {
param <- fit_distr(sdat$normQ, distr = distr, method = method)
if (is.na(param) == FALSE) {
plot_station(sdat, utminfo, param$estimate[1])
par(new = TRUE)
plot_station <- function(sdat, utminfo, dot.size) {
# Plots each station at its particular location with dot_size a input variable (i.e. goodness of fit)
# Should probably be replaced completely by plot_sation2
sdat$stn.regine <- trunc(sdat$snumber / 100000)
sdat$stn.main <- as.numeric(substr(sdat$snumber / 1000, nchar(sdat$snumber / 1000) - 2,
nchar(sdat$snumber / 1000)))
sdat$stn.nve <- paste(sdat$stn.regine, ".", sdat$stn.main,sep="")
# match coordinates into your file
sdat$utmN <- NA
sdat$utmE <- NA
for (u in 1:nrow(sdat)) {
loc.tmp <- which(utminfo$regine_area == sdat$stn.regine[u] & utminfo$main_no == sdat$stn.main[u] )
if(length(loc.tmp) > 0){
#sdat$regine[u] <- unique_allstations$regine_enhet[loc.tmp]
if (length(loc.tmp) > 1){
loc.tmp <- loc.tmp[1]
sdat$utmN[u] <-utminfo$utm_north_z33[loc.tmp]
sdat$utmE[u] <-utminfo$utm_east_z33[loc.tmp]
points(x = sdat$utmE[1], y = sdat$utmN[1], pch = 19, cex= 0.25 * dot.size, col = "blue")
plot_station2 <- function(sdat, utminfo, dot.size, dot.color) {
# Plots each station at its particular location with dot_size and dot_color as input variables (i.e. goodness of fit)
sdat$stn.regine <- trunc(sdat$snumber / 100000)
sdat$stn.main <- as.numeric(substr(sdat$snumber / 1000, nchar(sdat$snumber / 1000) - 2,
nchar(sdat$snumber / 1000)))
sdat$stn.nve <- paste(sdat$stn.regine, ".", sdat$stn.main, sep = "")
# match coordinates into your file
sdat$utmN <- NA
sdat$utmE <- NA
loc.tmp <- which(utminfo$regine_area == sdat$stn.regine[1] & utminfo$main_no == sdat$stn.main[1] )
if(length(loc.tmp) > 0){
loc.tmp <- loc.tmp[1]
sdat$utmN <-utminfo$utm_north_z33[loc.tmp]
sdat$utmE <-utminfo$utm_east_z33[loc.tmp]
# plot (labeled) stations (if you want to plot only certain ones, then:
# loc.tmp <- which(sdat$yourvariable > threshold), points(x=sdat$utmE[loc.tmp],.... )
# tiff("//nve/fil/h/HM/Interne Prosjekter/Flomkart/Model_fitting/Florian/Plots/map.tif",
# width = 14, height = 15, pointsize = 1/300, units = 'in', res = 250)
#plot your stations
points(x = sdat$utmE[1], y = sdat$utmN[1], pch = 19, cex= 1.5 * dot.size,
col = rainbowPalette(5)[as.numeric(dot.color)])
#if you want label them
# text(sdat$utmE[1], sdat$utmN[1],sdat$stn.nve[1], cex=0.55)
plot_gof <- function(dat, station.nb.vect, method = "MLE", input = input) {
# This is like plot_all_stations but for the variable to plot for each station is given as input
# The structure could be optimized with plot_all_stations
# This is the return of run.all_KS x <- list(snumber = station.nb.vect, name = st_name, ks = ks, distrib = distrib)
# input <- run.all_KS(dat, station.nb.vect, method = "MLE")
utminfo <- read.table("//nve/fil/h/HM/Interne Prosjekter/Flomkart/Model_fitting/Florian/Data/Coordinater for kart_for_R.txt", sep = "\t", header = T)
titel = "Map of Norway"
for (i in seq(along = station.nb.vect)) {
if (is.na(input$distrib[i]) == TRUE) next(i)
if (input$distrib[i] == "GAMMA") input$distrib[i] <- as.numeric(1)
if (input$distrib[i] == "GUMBEL") input$distrib[i] <- as.numeric(2)
if (input$distrib[i] == "GEV") input$distrib[i] <- as.numeric(3)
if (input$distrib[i] == "GL") input$distrib[i] <- as.numeric(4)
if (input$distrib[i] == "PEARSON") input$distrib[i] <- as.numeric(5)
if (!is.null(input$gof[i]) > 0 && !is.na(input$gof[i])) {
sdat <- sdat_load(dat, station.nb.vect[i])
plot_station2(sdat, utminfo, input$gof[i], input$distrib[i])
par(new = TRUE)
plot_sample <- function(sdat, station.nb.vect, radius) {
# This function plots all the stations that are located within a particular radius
# of a specified station
utminfo <- read.table("//nve/fil/h/HM/Interne Prosjekter/Flomkart/Model_fitting/Florian/Data/Coordinater for kart_for_R.txt", sep = "\t", header = T)
sdat$stn.regine <- trunc(sdat$snumber / 100000)
sdat$stn.main <- as.numeric(substr(sdat$snumber / 1000, nchar(sdat$snumber / 1000) - 2,
nchar(sdat$snumber / 1000)))
sdat$stn.nve <- paste(sdat$stn.regine, ".", sdat$stn.main,sep="")
for (u in 1:nrow(sdat)) {
loc.tmp <- which(utminfo$regine_area == sdat$stn.regine[u] & utminfo$main_no == sdat$stn.main[u] )
if(length(loc.tmp) > 0){
#sdat$regine[u] <- unique_allstations$regine_enhet[loc.tmp]
if (length(loc.tmp) > 1){
loc.tmp <- loc.tmp[1]
sdat$utmN[u] <-utminfo$utm_north_z33[loc.tmp]
sdat$utmE[u] <-utminfo$utm_east_z33[loc.tmp]
points(x = sdat$utmE[1], y = sdat$utmN[1], pch = 19, cex= 0.25 * dot.size, col = "blue")
distances <- sqrt((utminfo$utm_east_z33[2]-utminfo$utm_east_z33[1])^2+(utminfo$utm_north_z33[2]-utminfo$utm_north_z33[1])^2)
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