MCMCOptions: MCMC options

Description Usage Format


List of options to be passed to MCMC plotting functions. This list is loaded with RLPlots and is called by each plotting function. It contains a list of values that can be modified by the user and passed to the plotting function. Elements in the list include the following: =12

number of plots in each window for histograms, trace plots and running average/quantile plots

begin.newplot = c(1,39)

the column number where you want new plot

Rewrite = 1

use 1 to re-calculate running mean for diagnostic otherwise 0

running.mean = 50

the n for calculated running means in trace and running average/quantile plots




An object of class list of length 4.

NZRLIC/RLPlots documentation built on May 7, 2019, 6:05 p.m.