
# This tests errors for incorrect inputs in all files
# Note that the data.table warning is not tested so as to avoid needing the package

df <- data.frame(
  i = 1:3,
  t = 1:3,
  x = 1:3

test_that("check_panel_inputs input failstates", {
    .i = "i", .t = NA, .d = 1, .uniqcheck = FALSE
    .i = "i", .t = NA, .d = 1, .uniqcheck = FALSE
    .i = 2, .t = NA, .d = 1, .uniqcheck = FALSE
    .i = "i", .t = 2, .d = 1, .uniqcheck = FALSE
    .i = "i", .t = c("t", "x"), .d = 1, .uniqcheck = FALSE
    .i = "i", .t = "t", .d = "1", .uniqcheck = FALSE
    .i = "foo", .t = "t", .d = 1, .uniqcheck = FALSE
    .i = "i", .t = "foo", .d = 1, .uniqcheck = FALSE
    .i = "i", .t = "t", .d = 1, .uniqcheck = 2
  expect_error(pmdplyr:::check_panel_inputs(df %>% dplyr::mutate(t = as.character(t)),
    .i = "i", .t = "t", .d = 1, .uniqcheck = FALSE

df <- pibble(
  i = 1:3,
  x = 1:3,
  .i = i

test_that("between_i input failstates", {
  expect_error(df %>% dplyr::mutate(y = between_i(.)))
  expect_error(pibble(a = 1, .t = a) %>% dplyr::mutate(y = between_i(a)))
  expect_error(df %>% dplyr::mutate(y = between_i(x, .fcn = 2)))
  expect_error(df %>% dplyr::mutate(y = between_i(1:2)))

test_that("within_i input failstates", {
  expect_error(df %>% dplyr::mutate(y = within_i(.)))
  expect_error(pibble(a = 1, .t = a) %>% dplyr::mutate(y = within_i(a)))
  expect_error(df %>% dplyr::mutate(y = within_i(x, .fcn = 2)))
  expect_error(df %>% dplyr::mutate(y = within_i(1:2)))

test_that("id_variable input failstates", {
  expect_error(id_variable(a = 1:3, .method = "foo"))
  expect_error(id_variable(a = 1:3, .method = c("character", "random")))
  expect_error(id_variable(a = 1:3, .method = "character", .minwidth = 3))

left <- tibble::tibble(i = 1:2, x = 1:2)
right <- tibble::tibble(i = 1:2, y = 3:4, z = 5:6, a = 7:8)

test_that("safe_join input failstates", {
  expect_error(safe_join(left, right, expect = 2))
  expect_error(safe_join(left, right, expect = "foo"))
  expect_error(safe_join(left, right, expect = "1:1", join = 2))

test_that("inexact_join input failstates", {
  expect_error(pmdplyr:::inexact_join_prep(left, right, var = left$x, jvar = y, method = "last"))
  expect_error(pmdplyr:::inexact_join_prep(left, right, var = "x", jvar = right$y, method = "last"))
  expect_error(inexact_left_join(left, right, var = x, jvar = c(y, z, a), method = "last"))
  expect_error(inexact_left_join(left, right, var = x, jvar = y, method = 2))
  expect_error(inexact_left_join(left, right, var = x, jvar = y, method = "last", exact = 2))
  expect_error(inexact_left_join(left, right, var = i, jvar = i, method = "last"))
  expect_error(inexact_left_join(left, right, var = x, jvar = i, method = "last"))
  expect_error(inexact_left_join(left %>% dplyr::mutate(x = c("hey", "ho")),
    var = x, jvar = y, method = "closest"
  expect_error(inexact_left_join(left, right %>%
    mutate(y = c("hey", "ho")), var = x, jvar = y, method = "closest"))
  expect_warning(inexact_left_join(left, right, var = x, jvar = y, method = "closest", exact = FALSE))
  expect_error(inexact_left_join(left, right, var = x, jvar = y, method = "foo"))
  expect_error(inexact_left_join(left, right, var = x, jvar = c(y, z), method = "between", exact = FALSE))

cascade_data <- pibble(
  t = 1:3,
  x = 1:3,
  .t = t

test_that("mutate_cascade input failstates", {
    cascade_data %>%
      mutate_cascade(a = 1, .backwards = 2),
    ".backwards must be TRUE or FALSE"
    cascade_data %>%
      mutate_cascade(a = 1, .skip = 2),
    ".skip must be TRUE or FALSE"
    cascade_data %>%
      mutate_cascade(a = 1, .group_i = 2),
    ".group_i must be TRUE or FALSE"
  expect_error(cascade_data %>%
    as_pibble(.i = t) %>%
    mutate_cascade(a = 1),
  regexp = "requires that .t be declared"

test_that("mutate_subset input failstates", {
    as.matrix(cascade_data) %>%
      mutate_subset(y = mean(x), .filter = t <= 2),
    "Requires data to be a data frame or tibble."


df <- pibble(
  i = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
  t = c(1, 3, 4, 2, 4, 6, 7),
  x = c(1, 2, NA, 4, NA, NA, 7),
  .i = i,
  .t = t

test_that("panel_convert input failstates", {
  expect_error(panel_convert(df, to = 2))
  expect_error(panel_convert(df, to = "wrong"))
  expect_error(panel_convert(df, to = "pibble"))
  expect_error(panel_convert(df %>% as_pibble(), to = "pdata.frame"))
  expect_warning(panel_convert(df %>% as_pibble(.i = i, .t = t, .d = 2), to = "plm"))
  expect_error(df %>% panel_convert(to = "pdata.frame") %>% panel_convert(to = "plm"))
  expect_error(df %>% panel_convert(to = "tsibble") %>% panel_convert(to = "tsibble"))
  expect_error(df %>% panel_convert(to = "panelr") %>% panel_convert(to = "panelr"))
  expect_error(df %>%
    as_pibble(.i = c(i, x), .t = t) %>%
  expect_error(df %>%
    as_pibble(.i = c(i, x), .t = t) %>%
    panel_convert("tsibble") %>%
  expect_warning(df %>% as_pibble(.i = i, .t = t, .d = 0) %>% panel_convert("tsibble") %>% panel_convert("plm"))
    i = c(1, 1, 1),
    t = c(1, 3, 5),
    key = "i",
    index = "t"
  ) %>% panel_convert("plm"))
  expect_error(df %>% as.matrix() %>% panel_convert("plm"))


df <- pibble(
  i = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
  t = c(1, 3, 4, 2, 4, 6, 7),
  x = c(1, 2, NA, 4, NA, NA, 7),
  .i = i,
  .t = t

test_that("panel_fill input failstates", {
  expect_error(panel_fill(df, .backwards = 2))
  expect_error(panel_fill(df, .set_NA = 2))
  expect_error(panel_fill(df, .group_i = 2))
  expect_error(panel_fill(df, .max = "foo"))
  expect_error(panel_fill(df, .min = "foo"))
  expect_error(panel_fill(df, .flag = 2))
  expect_error(panel_fill(df %>% as_pibble(.i = i)))
  expect_error(panel_fill(df %>% as_pibble(.i = i, .t = t, .d = 0)))
  expect_error(panel_fill(df, .set_NA = "i"))

inconsistent_df <- pibble(
  i = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
  t = c(1, 1, 2, 2),
  x = c(1, 2, 1, NA),
  .i = i,
  .t = t

test_that("panel_locf input failstates", {
  expect_error(panel_locf(as.matrix(df$x), df))
  expect_error(panel_locf(df$x, df, .resolve = 2))
  expect_error(panel_locf(df$x, df, .group_i = 2))
  expect_error(panel_locf(df$x, df, .backwards = 2))
  expect_error(panel_locf(df$x, df %>% as_pibble(.i = i)))
  expect_error(panel_locf(inconsistent_df$x, inconsistent_df))

test_that("fixed_check input failstates", {
  expect_error(fixed_check(as.matrix(df), .var = x, .within = i))
  expect_error(fixed_check(df, .var = x))

test_that("fixed_force input failstates", {
  expect_error(fixed_force(as.matrix(df), .var = x, .within = i))
  expect_error(fixed_force(df, .var = x, .within = i, .resolve = 2))
  expect_error(fixed_force(df, .var = x, .within = i, .flag = 2))
  expect_error(fixed_force(df, .var = x))

df <- tibble::tibble(
  i = 1:3,
  t = 1:3

test_that("declare_in_fcn_check input failstates", {
    .i = "i",
    .t = "t",
    .d = 1,
    .uniqcheck = 2,
    .setpanel = TRUE,
    .noneed = FALSE
    .i = NA,
    .t = NA,
    .d = 1,
    .uniqcheck = TRUE,
    .setpanel = TRUE
    .i = "i",
    .t = "t",
    .d = 1,
    .uniqcheck = FALSE,
    .setpanel = 2,
    .noneed = FALSE
    .i = NA,
    .t = NA,
    .d = 1,
    .uniqcheck = FALSE,
    .setpanel = 2,
    .noneed = FALSE


td <- tibble::tibble(
  year = 2008:2006,
  month = 1:3,
  date = lubridate::ymd(c("100101", "100302", "100604"))

td_multiyear <- tibble::tibble(
  date = lubridate::ymd(c("100101", "110201", "120301", "130401"))

test_that("time_variable input failstates", {
  expect_error(td %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(date, .method = "nothing")))
  expect_error(td %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(year, .method = "year")))
  expect_error(td %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(date,
      .method = "year",
      .breaks = 2.5
  expect_error(td %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(date,
      .method = "year",
      .skip = 2.5
  expect_error(td %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(date,
      .method = "month",
      .skip = 2.5
  expect_error(td_multiyear %>% dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(date,
    .method = "month",
    .breaks = c(2, 5),
    .skip = 1
  expect_error(td %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(date,
      .method = "month",
      .breaks = 2.5
  expect_error(td_multiyear %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(date,
      .method = "year",
      .breaks = 2012,
      .skip = 2010
  expect_warning(td %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(year, month,
      .method = "turnover",
      .turnover = c(2010, NA),
      .turnover_start = c(1, NA)
  expect_error(td %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(year,
      .method = "turnover"
  expect_error(td %>% dplyr::mutate(month = as.character(month)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(year, month,
      .method = "turnover"
  expect_error(td %>% dplyr::mutate(month = month - 3) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(year, month,
      .method = "turnover"
  expect_error(td %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(year, month,
      .method = "turnover",
      .turnover = c(NA, 1, 2)
  expect_error(td %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(year, month,
      .method = "turnover",
      .turnover = c(NA, 1)
  expect_error(td %>% dplyr::mutate(date2 = date) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(date, date2, .method = "year")))
  expect_error(td %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(date, .method = "year", .start = "foo")))
  expect_error(td %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(date, .method = "year", .datepos = c(NA, 2))))
  expect_error(td %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(date, .method = "year", .datepos = c("b", "a"))))
  expect_error(td %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(date, .method = "year", .skip = "foo")))
  expect_error(td %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(date, .method = "year", .breaks = "foo")))
  expect_error(td %>% dplyr::mutate(date = as.character(date)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(date, .method = "week", .datepos = c(1, 2))))
  expect_error(td %>% dplyr::mutate(date2 = date) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(t = time_variable(date, .method = "day", .skip = c(1, 8))))
  expect_error(time_variable("20140101", .method = "day", .datepos = 3:9))
  expect_error(time_variable("20140101", .method = "year", .datepos = 3:5))
  expect_error(time_variable("20140101", .method = "month", .datepos = 3:7))

### TLAG

df <- pibble(
  t = c(1, 1, 2, 2),
  x = 1:4,
  .t = t

df2 <- pibble(
  t = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3),
  i = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2),
  x = 1:6,
  .i = i,
  .t = t

df_to_resolve <- pibble(
  i = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2),
  t = c(1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2),
  x = c(1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2),
  .i = i,
  .t = t

test_that("tlag input failstates", {
  expect_error(df %>% dplyr::mutate(y = tlag(x, .resolve = mean, .n = "a")))
  expect_error(df %>% dplyr::mutate(y = tlag(x, .resolve = mean, .n = 1.5)))
  expect_error(df %>% dplyr::mutate(y = tlag(x, .resolve = 2)))
  expect_error(df %>% dplyr::mutate(y = tlag(x, .group_i = 2)))
  expect_error(df %>% dplyr::mutate(y = tlag(x, .quick = 2)))
  expect_error(df %>% dplyr::mutate(y = tlag(x, .default = c(1, 2))))
  expect_error(df %>%
    as_pibble(.i = i) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(y = tlag(x, .resolve = mean)))
  expect_error(tlag(df$x, df, .i = "x", .resolve = mean))
  expect_error(df2 %>%
    dplyr::group_by(i) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(y = tlag(1:2, .quick = TRUE)))
  expect_error(df_to_resolve %>%
    dplyr::mutate(x = 1:6) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(y = tlag(x)))
NickCH-K/pmdplyr documentation built on Oct. 26, 2021, 1:10 p.m.