
#' Create scatterplot
#' @param data Data set
#' @param x Variable in x-axis
#' @param y Variable in y-axis
#' @param ... Variable which differ by color.
#' @param size_point Size of point in a plot. Default size: 4.
#' @param legend_title Title of the legend. Default name: "Legend".
#' @param y_title_name Title of y-axis. Defalut value: name of y variable.
#' @param x_title_name Title of x-axis. Defalut value: name of x variable.
#' @param save Do you want to save plot? Default value: FALSE.
#' @param file_name Name of file we want to see in directory. Default filename: "plot".

draw_point <- function(data,x, y, ..., size_point = 4,legend_title = "Legend",
                       y_title_name = "", x_title_name = "", save = F,
                       file_name = "plot"){
  ld <- as.lazy_dots(list(x = lazy(x), y = lazy(y))) 
  ld <- c(ld, lazy_dots(...))
  ld <- as.lazy_dots(lapply(ld, function(x){ 
    try(x$expr <- as.name(x$expr), silent=TRUE)
  cl <- make_call(quote(aes), ld)
  plot <- ggplot(data, eval(cl$expr))+
  if (length(ld) > 2){
    plot <- plot+
      geom_point(size = size_point)+
      scale_color_manual(name = legend_title, values = categorical_colors)
    plot <- plot+
      geom_point(size = size_point, color = categorical_colors[1])
  if (y_title_name != "" | x_title_name != "") plot <- describe_axis(x_title_name, y_title_name, plot)
  if (save != F) save_plot(file_name, plot)
Nicolabo/PERUanalytics documentation built on May 7, 2019, 6:18 p.m.